SEC. 46. The General Assembly shall have power to re-
ceive from the United States any grant or donation of land,
money or securities for any purpose designated by the United
States, and shall administer or distribute the same according
to the conditions of the said grant.
Pitznagle vs. Western Maryland Railway, 119 Md. |
Grants from
U.S. |
SEC. 47. The General Assembly shall make provisions for
all cases of contested elections of any of the officers, not herein
provided for.
State vs. Jarrett & Harwood, 17 Md., 309. Groome vs. Gwinn, 43
Md., 572. Washington Hospital vs. Mealey, 121 Md. |
elections. |
SEC. 48. Corporations may be formed under general laws,
but shall not be created by special act, except for municipal
purposes and except in cases where no general laws exist, pro-
viding for the creation of corporations of the same general
character as the corporation proposed to be created, and any
act of incorporation passed in violation of this section shall
be void; all charters granted or adopted in pursuance of this
section, and all charters heretofore granted and created sub-
ject to repeal or modification, may be altered from time to
time, or be repealed; provided, nothing herein contained shall
be construed to extend to banks or the incorporation thereof;
the General Assembly shall not alter or amend the charter of
any corporation existing at the time of the adoption of this
Article, or pass any other general or special law for the bene-
fit of such corporation except upon the condition that such
corporation shall surrender all claim to exemption from taxa-
tion or from the repeal or modification of its charter, and that
such corporation shall thereafter hold its charter subject to
the provisions of this Constitution; and any corporation char-
tered by this State which shall accept, use, enjoy or in any
wise avail itself of any rights, privileges, or advantages that
may hereafter be granted or conferred by any general or spe-
cial Act, shall be conclusively presumed to have thereby sur-
rendered any exemption from taxation to which it may be en-
titled under its charter, and shall be thereafter subject to tax-
ation as if no such exemption has been granted by its char-
New Central Coal Co. vs. George's Creek Coal and Iron Co., 37 Md.,
537. Montell & Co. vs. Consolidated Coal Co., 39 Md., 164. State vs.
Northern Central R. R. Co., 44 Md., 131. Reed vs. Balto. Trust and
Guarantee Co., 72 Md., 531. Jackson vs. Walsh, 75 Md., 304. Webster
vs. Cambridge Female Seminary, 78 Md., 193. Phinney vs. Sheppard
Hospital, 88 Md., 638. State vs. N. C. By Co., 90 Md., 471. Scholle vs.
State, 90 Md., 734. Mealey vs. Hagerstown, 92 Md„ 745.
*Thus amended by Chapter 195, Acts of 1890, ratified by the people Novem-
ber 3,1891. |
Corporations. |