Note:—For information relating to any of the following institutions,
address the institution at the address given.
Under the provisions of Chapters 386 and 389 of the Acts of 1914, the
following institutions receive the appropriation set opposite its name.
For 1915 For 1916
Maryland School for Boys, Frederick Avenue
extended, Baltimore ................... $20,000 $20,000
House of Reformation and Instruction for Col-
ored Children, Cheltenham, Prince George's
County, Maryland...................... 15,000 15,000
For buildings ............................ 30,000
Maryland Industrial School for Girls, Baker and
Carey Streets, Baltimore, Md........... 7,000 7,000
House of Correction, Jessups, Md.............. 25,000 25,000
For emergencies ......................... 40,000
Maryland Penitentiary, Baltimore, Md., for
buildings ............................ 35,000
Maryland School for the Blind, Overlea, Balti-
more County, Md. ..................... 12,000 12,000
Deaf and Dumb Asylum, Frederick, Md........ 37,500 37,500
Maryland Tuberculosis Sanatorium, Sanatorium,
Frederick County, Md.................. 140,000 140,000
For buildings ............................ 25,000
Pine Bluff Sanatorium, Salisbury, Md......... 10,000 10,000
Rosewood State Training School (for the feeble-
minded), Owings Mills, Md............. 150,000 120,000
For enlargement and improvement......... 28,000
Spring Grove State Hospital (for the insane),
Catonsville, Baltimore County, Md...... 79,000 86,000
Springfield State Hospital (for the insane),
Sykesville, Carroll County, Md.......... 160,000 160,000
Crownsville State Hospital (for the negro in-
sane), Crownsville, Anne Arundel County 60,000 60,000
Eastern Shore State Hospital (for the negro
insane) .............................. 30,000 30,000
Under Chapter 721, Acts of 1914, the following institutions receive
the appropriation set opposite its name. Address the institution for
House of Good Shepherd, Mount and Hollins
Streets, Baltimore, Md................. $6,000 $6,000
House of Good Shepherd for Colored Girls, Cal-
verton Road and Mulberry Street, Balti-
more, Md. ........................... 3,000 3,000
Industrial Home for Colored Girls, Melvale, Bal-
timore County, Md;................... 3,500 3,500
National Junior Republic, Annapolis Junc-
tion, Md. ............................ 3,500 3,500
St. Mary's Industrial School, Station D, Balti-
more, Md. ............................ 30,000 30,000