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Maryland Manual, 1914-15
Volume 125, Page 184   View pdf image (33K)
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Counselman, Chas. C...............215 N. Charles St.
Cronin, Eugene J. ................ 412 Equitable Bldg .
Curry, Walter A..................106 N. Eutaw St.
Dames, John H.. ................ .1935 W. Baltimore St.
Denhard, Emil R. .............. .. .Central Savings Bank.
Dickerson, Edwin T...............301 St. Paul St.
Dickson, David ...................301 B. Lombard St.
Diener, Theodore H............... SITE. Baltimore St.
Diffenderfer, Jas. B.............. 505 Carroll Bldg .
Distler, John O...................3022 E. Baltimore St.
Dittman, John, Jr................ 1225 N. Patterson Park Ave.
Dorsey, C. Marcellus. ............. 1310 N. Fremont Ave.
Dorsey, Wm. R. .......... ........ 1219 Fidelity Bldg .
Drake, Harry L. ................. Calvert Bldg .
Duvall, John B...................903 Continental Bldg .
Eason, Clarence E................ 220 Warren Ave.
Eastwood, Albert F............... 2507 McElderry St.
Eby, C. Arthar. .................. 1313 Fidelity Bldg .
Ecke, Albert. .....................1921 Ramsey St.
Edmonds, W. H.................. 123 N. Eutaw St.
Edmondson, J. H.................533 Title Bldg .
Eduards, E. K................... American Bldg .
Edwards, Thos. E................. Franklin Bldg .
Elderkin, Clarence E.............. 321 N. Howard St.
Embert, T. Howard. .............. 1403 Fidelity Bldg .
England, Jos. T.................. 213 Courtland St.
Fardy, John T....................1128 Mosher St.
Felber, Simon L.................. 1632 Bank St.
Fink, N.S.. ........... .......... .2113 W. Pratt St.
Foas, George A.................. Rayner Bldg .
Franck, Wm. R...................604 E. Pratt St.
Frederick, Eugene. ............... 637 Equitable Bldg .
Freeny, Benj. L.................. 22 E. Lexington St.
French, H. Findlay. .............. 607 Continental Bldg .
Funk, Wm. F.................... 1832 Mulberry St.
Gammie, G. B.................... 13 South St.
Garrett, Howard W............... Maryland Trust Bldg .
Geiss, F. W...................... 2 N. Fremont St.
Gerbig, R. H..................... 1119 Fidelity Bldg .
Getz, C. Ireland..................809 E. Fayette St.
Gill, Albert S. ....................215 St. Paul St.
Gilbert, Frank S..................Charles & Lexington Sts.
Gisin, Wm. H.................... 213 Courtland St.
Goetzke, Arthur R................ 2510 Boslyn Ave.
Goidman, A. K... ................424 Robert St.
Goldstone, M. Henry. ............ .620 Law Bldg .
Gosnell, Thomas. ................. .1929 W. Lexington St.
Gonid, Wm. D....................13 North St.
Grace, J. Harry...................B. & 0. R. R. Go.
Graetzel, G. Clem...........'...... 225 St. Paul St.
Grafflin, Robert L................ Baltimore Truat Co.
Grafflin, Chas. F.................. Provident Savings Bank.
Greenbaum, Simon................ 1301 W. Baltimore St.
Gregorins, Adam S............... .State's Attorney's Office.
Grimes, Howard S.............. . Crown, Cork & Seal Co.
Grimm, T. C..................... 6 E. Lexington St.
Gringfelder, Solomon. ............. 2139 Linden Ave.
Griffith, G. Mitchell ...............2 E. Lexington St.
Goeb, Chas. W....................1603 E. Lafayette Ave.


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Maryland Manual, 1914-15
Volume 125, Page 184   View pdf image (33K)
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