The Governor, with the consent of the Senate, appoints one Justice
of the Peace for each of the wards of Baltimore City; six at large for
each of the Legislative Districts of the City and fifty-three at large,
making a total of one hundred and one Justices.
(All Terms Expire 1916.)
Name. Address.
A. Crawford Smith. .. .Eastern Station. ...... Bank & Bethel Sts.
M. Albert Levinson... .Southern Station. ..... Ostend & Patapsco Sts.
J. Abner Sayler. ... .. .Western Station. ..... Pine nr. Lexington St.
Charles B. Schinn. .... Southwestern Station. . .Calhounn & Pratt Sts.
George D. Dean. ...... Northeastern Station. . Ashl 'd Ave. & Durham St.
Vacancy. ........... ..Northwestern Station. . Penn. Ave & Lambert St.
Henry A. Ulrich. .. ... Northern Station. ..... Cedar Ave. & 34th St.
J. Frank Supplee, Jr.. Central Station....... Saratoga St., nr. Charles.
William N. McFaul... At Large.
George W. Golden. . . . . At Large.
From the Justices of the Peace appointed the Governor designates
one to act as Police Justice at each of the Police Stations of the city
and two at large.
People's Court Building.
(All Terms Expire 1916.)
Name. Address.
William M. Kerr. ......... Presiding Judge. . 1802 Guilford Ave.
John R. M. Staum.........Associate Judge. . 1518 Harlem Ave.
Henry N. Abercrombie.... Associate Judge.. .2528 N. Charles St.
Frederick T. Dorton. ...... Associate Judge. . Law Building.
Charles T. Reif snider. ......Associate Judge. . .16 E. Preston St.
From the Justices of the Peace appointed the Governor designates
one Presiding and four Associate Judges of the People's Court.
(All Terms Expire 1916.)
Ball, Miss Melva. ................ .600 Maryland Trust Bldg .
Bannon, Miss Frances T.......... Builders' Exchange Bldg .
Barron, Miss Dora. .............. .311 Union Trust Bldg .
Barron, Miss Lizzie. .............. 437 Equitable Bldg .
Blondell, Miss Teresa M.... '.......22 St. Paul St.
Boehl, Miss Grace L.............. Garrett Bldg .
Bosch, Miss Emma C. .............919 Fidelity Bldg .
Bowers, Miss Rose C.............. 43 N. Arlington Ave.
Burke, Miss Emma L............. Calvert Bldg .
Callahan, Miss Carmelitte. ........633 Equitable Bldg .
Carberry, Miss Ethel L............ 530 W. Franklin St.
Carr, Miss Alma. .................941 Equitable Bldg .
Carter, Miss Dora. ............... 1018 N. Fulton Ave.
Chard, Miss Minnie...............928 S. Elwood Ave.
Collins, Miss Josephine L.......... 400 Law Bldg .