The Board consists of the Governor, Comptroller, Treasurer, Attor-
ney General and nine members appointed by the Governor; three biennially
for a term of six years from the first day in May. (Bagby Code, Art. 27,
Sec. 524.)
The State has usually appropriated the sum of $25,000.00 annually,
this amount, in connection with that earned by the inmates, the income
from the farm, etc., has been, heretofore, sufficient for the maintenance
of the institution.
All communications, of whatsoever character, should be addressed to
the Superintendent. Visitors are allowed to see their friends, who are
incarcerated, at any time except Sundays and legal holidays.
The institution was installed in 1879.
Institution at Cheltenham, Prince George's County.
(Terms Expire 1915.)
Name. Postoffice.
Arthur K. Taylor. ................................ .Roland Park
H. J. Walton, M. D................................. Baltimore
Jos. J. Janney, Secretary, Eutaw and Madison Sts. ..... ..Baltimore
Governor appoints two annually in the month of February. (Bagby
Code, Art. 27, Sec. 553.)
The General Assembly appropriated for maintenance for the years
1915 and 1916 fifteen thousand dollars each. The inmates are all col-
ored boys between the ages of ten and twenty-one years. Each boy is
required to attend school one-half of each day and be engaged in some
industrial work the other half. Various industries are taught, the princi-
pal one being farming. The larger boys are carefully trained in practi-
cal farming. All the work of the farm of 1250 acres is done by the
boys under a head farmer and an assistant, the other industries in which
the boys are trained are tailoring, shoemaking, carpentry, painting,
laundring, baking, blacksmithing and broom making, others are taught
to be waiters. All the clothing and shoes worn by the boys, except the
military caps, are made by them.
The boys are committed by the courts and magistrates of the State
and City of Baltimore. Those coming from Baltimore are committed
mostly by the Juvenile Court. All commitments are during minority,
but are really indeterminate, as, by a parole system, a boy may earn
his parole in two years after he enters the institution.
Institution, Baker and Carey Streets, Baltimore.
(All Terms Expire 1916.)
Name. Postoffice.
Peter L. Hargett..................................... Frederick
James C Chancy. ....................................... Chaney
Wm. McCulloh Brown.....:............................ Oakland
Mrs. Howard Schwartz.................... ........Roland Park
Mrs. Edwin Long. ................................... .Westover
Mrs. E. H. Ziegler. ................................ .Hagerstown
Four vacancies.
John S. Deal, Abell Bldg. ........................... .Baltimore