The Land Office is the State Record Office, pertaining to boundaries
of land, and is the means by which discovered vacant land is passed by
the State to the individual, and covers the period from the earliest to the
present date. The Commissioner sits as a judge in contested disputes
over vacant land, and there is a right of appeal direct to the Court of
Appeals over his decision.
The duties of the Land Office, in regard to its clerical force, is to
keep the indexing, answer the various questions that are daily brought
to it by the mail, wait on the visiting public, and record the patents and
certificates that are returned on the different kinds of warrants executed
by the county surveyors throughout the State.
Questions relating to military service during the War of the American
Questions relating to wills, administration proceedings, inventories,
accounts and balances from the earliest to 1777.
Questions relating to confiscated British property.
Questions relating to Provincial Court, General Court, Court of
Chancery, debt books, rent rolls, insolvent proceedings, and extract of
deeds from the whole State.
(All Terms Expire 1916.)
Name. Postoffice.
State Librarian:
Miss Sallie Webster Dorsey. .......................... .Annapolis
Custodian of Works of Reference:
Mrs. Alice Tate Williams.............................. Annapolis
Indexer and Cataloguer:
Edward G. Kenly...................................... Annapolis
The State Librarian is appointed by the Governor, with the consent
of the Senate, to hold office during the term of the Governor (Consti-
tution, Art. 7, Sec. 3); the Custodian of Works of Reference is ap-
pointed by the Governor, with the consent of the Senate, for a term
of two years (Ch. 50, 1906); the Indexer and Cataloguer is appointed
by the Governor, with the consent of the Library Committee, for a term
of two years (Ch. 271, 1900).
The duties of the State Librarian are prescribed by law, also the law
regulates the manner in which the volumes in the State Library shall be
kept and accounted for by the Librarian.
The Librarian is required to have counted all volumes received in the
Library including the 'Maryland Session Laws, the House and Senate
Journals, the Documents, the Maryland Reports, and all volumes named
in various legislative bills, etc., giving a certified account of the num-
ber received to the State Comptroller before payment is made for the
same to the State Printer.
The Session Laws, etc., named above are distributed by the Librarian
every two years: Section 7, Article 55. The Maryland Reports in ac-
cordance with Article 55, Public General Laws, 1912.
The Librarian is required to make payment to the Comptroller each
year for money received from the sale of the Session Laws to persons
desiring them not named on the list for distribution, these Laws are the
only volumes sold in the State Library.
Contracts for binding the Laws, House and Senate Journals, Docu-
ments, Bills and Magazines are awarded by the Librarian, also for re-
binding books in the Library.