United States; keeps a register of all commissioned officers and the record
of enlisted men. He is likewise the custodian of all State and Federal
property in use by the organized militia; he is also in control of State
appropriations for the maintenance of the organized militia (land and
naval forces) ; apportions such appropriations and provides for the proper
application of funds so as to insure a uniform and consistent disburse-
ment for the progressive benefit of the military establishment of the
He also promulgates to the organized militia the orders of the Gov-
ernor as Commander-in-Chief and provides from time to time appropriate
regulations for the government, discipline and maintenance of the mili-
tary establishment; he also publishes and provides for observance of all
federal laws and regulations applicable to the militia of the State.
He is the official channel for communication with the War and Navy
Departments on all matters and affairs relating to the federal govern-
ment's interests in the militia of the State; he performs the duties of
Disbursing Officer for the War and Navy Departments in all payments
from allotments made by the Congress of the United States for the en-
couragement and promotion of the organized militia.
In all matters pertaining to the military establishment of the State
or the military relations of the State with the United States, communica-
ions should be addressed to The Adjutant General, State of Maryland,
The designation of an officer of the United States Army for duty
in connection with the State Militia, is made by the War Depart-
ment under an Act of Congress providing that any State having a
regularly organized militia conforming to the Act of Congress, may,
through its Governor, request the designation. The Assistant Adjutant
General and the Assistant to the Acting Quartermaster General are ap-
pointed and commissioned by the Governor upon the recommendation of
the Adjutant General. (Ch. 103, 1908.) The Adjutant General makes
all other appointments.
(All Terms Expire 1916.)
Name. Postoffice.
A. Eugene DeReeves. ................................ .Annapolis
Assistant Superintendent;
Edward H. Jones. .................................... .Solomons
Assistant to Governor's Mansion:
Ernest Duvall........................................Annapolis
Chief Engineer and Electrician:
Robert F. Ellers. .................................... .Annapolis
Day Watchmen:
Charles L. Elliott............'........................ Annapolis
John H. Mullen. .................................... .Annapolis
William J. Marks. ................................... .Annapolis
Night Watchmen:
Chas. Taylor ........................................ Annapolis
Harry L. Brewer. ................................... .Annapolis
George H. McNamara. ................................ Annapolis