Biographical Sketches of State Officers
Governor: PHILLIPS LEE GOLDSBOROUGH (Republican), Cam-
bridge, Maryland.
Phillips Lee Goldsborough, born August 6th, 1865, at Cam-
bridge, Md., son of M. Worthington Goldsborough, Pay Direc-
tor (retired), U. S. N., and Nettie M. Goldsborough, his wife.
Mr. Goldsborough was educated in the private and public
schools of Maryland, studied law in the office of Daniel M.
Henry, Jr., and was admitted to the Bar of Dorchester county
in 1886. Since that time he has practiced his profession in
Dorchester county and the several Courts of the State, was
elected to the office of State's Attorney in 1891 and re-elected
thereto in 1895; in 1897 was elected Comptroller of the Treas-
ury of Maryland; in 1902 was appointed by President Roose-
velt Collector of Internal Revenue for the District of Mary-
land, and has been twice reappointed to the same office by
Presidents Roosevelt and Taft. In 1911 he was the unani-
mous choice of the Republican party for the office of Governor
of Maryland, and was in November of that year elected by the
people of Maryland to that office. Mr. Goldsborough married
Miss Mary Ellen Showell, of Worcester county, Md., daughter
of the late William Showell, in 1893, and as the result of that
union have two sons, Phillips Lee, Jr., aged 15 years, and
Brice Worthington, aged 9 years. Mr. Goldsborough's home
is at Cambridge, Md.
Comptroller of the Treasury: EMERSON C. HARRINGTON
(Democrat), Cambridge, Maryland.
Hon. Emerson C. Harrington, the present State Comp-
troller of Maryland, was born March 26th, 1864, at
Madison, Dorchester county, Maryland. His parents were
John E. and Elizabeth (Thompson) Harrington. His father
was in early life a sea captain, becoming later a merchant and
farmer, and was prominent in the business and religious life
of his section.