complaint and due proof have been made that such minor is a proper sub-
ject for the guardianship of the Maryland School for Boys, in conse-
quence of vagrancy, or of incorrigble or vicious conduct, and that from
the moral depravity or otherwise of the parent, guardian or next friend,
in whose custody such minor may be, such parent, guardian or next friend
is incapable or unwilling to exercise the proper care and discipline over
such incorrigble or vicious minor; Third, such white male children as their
parents, guardian or friends may desire to place therein for temporary re-
strainst and discipline, and whose parents, guardians or friends shall
agree and contract with the managers for their support and maintenance;
and "Fourth, white male minors committed by the several courts in this
State, as provided in this article. The institution receives and cares for
boys sent from the counties. The city of Baltimore pays $140.00 per
capita yearly for the board and education of city boys. This obtained on
quarterly statements of the number of boys reported to the City Treas-
urer. All correspondence may be addressed to the Superintendent, Mary-
land School for Boys, Baltimore, Md., Station D.
Maryland Industrial School for Girls—Receives $6,000 for 1913 and
$6,000 for 1914.
St. Joseph's House of Industry, Charles and Twenty-Eighth Streets,
Baltimore—Address the institution. Receives from State $5,000 for 1913
and $5,000 for 1914. It is the object of this institution to teach some
useful occupation to those entrusted to its care. It receives children from
fourteen to sixteen years of age, either committed to it or upon the
recommendation of reputable persons, and is purely charitable, no charge
being made for those for whom it cares.
St. Mary's Industrial School, Station D, Baltimore—Receives from
State $30,000 for 1913 and $30,000 for 1914. The object of this institu-
tion is to provide a home, education and industrial training for orphans,
destitute or incorrigible boys, and to reform juveniles. Boys between the
ages of 10 and 16 are admitted. Any Court or Justice may commit youth-
ful offenders to the school. Apply to Brother Dominic, Superintendent.
Lady Visitors of the Confederate Soldiers' Borne, at Pikesville—$500
for 1913 and $500 for 1914.
The Day Nursery at Hagerstown—$500 for 1913 and $500 for 1914.
The Havre de Grace Hospital—$5,000 for 1913 and $5,000 for 1914.
The Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland—$5,000 for 1913
and $5,000 for 1914.
Maryland Childrens'' Md association—$1,000 for 1913 and $1,000 for
Maryland academy of Sciences—$500 for 1913 and $500 for 1914.
Childrens' Hospital School of Baltimore City—$5,000 for 1913 and
$5,000 for 1914.
Exeter Street Rescue Home for Women—$1,000 for 1913 and $1,000
for 1914.
St. Mary's Hospital, Incorporated, of St. Mary's County—$2,500 for
1913 and $2,500 for 1914.
Mount Hope Retreat—$15,250 for 1913 and $15,250 for 1914, being
deficit of allowance to said Retreat in comparison with State Institutions
for the maintenance of 305 patients from January ], 1910 to January I,