Western Maryland College, Westminster, Carroll County, Maryland—
Receives from State $3,100 for 1913 and $3,100 for 1914, for which it
maintains one free scholarship from each county of the State and one
from each Legislative district of Baltimore city. Receives from State
for buildings, $25,000. This college receives and furnishes free board
and tuition to fifty-two students, two from each Senatorial district of the
State, in return for the appropriations annually made to this college.
In addition, it receives and gives free tuition to twenty-six students, two
from each election district of Carroll county, in return for one thousand
dollars annually given to this college from the academic fund due Carroll
county. The benefit that accrues to the State from these free students is
that each student gives bond to teach in the public schools of the State
for at least two years after graduation. These students are appointed by
the School Commissioners by and with the advice and consent of the
Senator, after a competitive examination conducted by the Commissioners.
The scholarship is good for four years. Any student of good moral char-
acter is received in this college after examination, or one holding a
certificate of graduation from an accredited High School without examina-
tion, on the payment of $225 a year. Correspondence may be addressed to
the President, Rev. T. H. Lewis, D. D., at Westminster, Md.
Baltimore Orphan Asylum, Stricker Street, between Lexington and
Saratoga Streets; Baltimore—Receives from State $3,000 for 1913 and
$3,000 for 1914. Its object is the physical, moral and intellectual training
of orphan children, and the securement of good positions when they leave.
All denominations. Terms of admission: The child must have lost one
or both parents, and must be at least five years of age, and the girls
must reiman under the control of the institution until eighteen years
old, and the boys until twenty-one. Apply to institution for particulars.
General German Orphan Asylum of Baltimore City, 224 Aisquith
Street, Baltimore—Receives from State $2,500 for 1913 and $2,500 for
1914. Its object is to care for and educate destitute children. Boys and
girls of any nationality from two to ten years of age are admitted, and
are sent to the public schools and taught German and English. The girls
are taught sewing and household work and the boys given trades. Apply
to institution for particulars.
Hebrew Orphan Asylum of Baltimore City, Calverton Heights, Balti-
more, Md.— Receives from State $4,000 for 1913 and $4,000 for 1914.
The constitution and by-laws permit the admission of orphans from four
years up, in good health, sound in mind and well behaved. The parent or
guardian has to sign an agreement binding these children to our care,
girls to eighteen years old and boys to twenty-one years. Besides sup-
porting our children with everything necessary, the aim is and always has
been to give them as good an education as means will permit. Corres-
pondence can be addressed to our President, Mr. David Hutzler, 212
North Howard Street, or to the Secretary, Mr. William Schloss, 1710
Madison Avenue,
Maryland Asylum and Training School for the Feeble Minded, Owing."
Mills, Maryland—Receives from State, for maintenance, $65,000 for 1913
and $70,000 for 1914. Persons of either sex admitted, between the ages
of seven and seventeen. Apply to Dr. Frank Keating, Superintendent,
Owings Mills, Baltimore County, Maryland.
St. Anthony's Orphan Asylum, 927 North Central Avenue, Baltimore—
Receives from State $1,500 for 1913 and $1,500 for 1914. The purpose of
this Institution is to provide a home for destitute orphan children. Apply
to institution for information relating to admission.