to be free and frequent, and every white* male citizen having
the qualifications prescribed by the Constitution, ought to
have the right of suffrage.
Bevard vs. Hoffman, 18 Md., 479. |
Art. 8. That the Legislative, Executive and Judicial pow-
ers of Government ought to be forever separate and distinct
from each other; and no person exercising the functions of
one of said Departments shall assume or discharge the duties
of any other.
State vs. Chase, 5 H. & J., 304. Crane vs. Meginnis, 1 0. & J., 463.
Mitchell vs. Mitchell, 1 Gill, 66. Prout vs. Berry, 2 Gill, 147. Miller vs.
State, 8 Gill, 145. Watkins vs. Watkins, 2 Md., 341. Wright vs.
Wright, 2 Md., 429. Thomas vs. Owens, 4 Md., 189. Gough vs. Pratt,
Adm'r, 9 Md., 526. Calvert vs. Williams, 10 Md., 478. Mayor, &c., of
Balto., vs. State, 15 Md' 376. State vs. N. 0. E. W. Co., 18 Md„ 193.
Miles vs. Bradford, 22 Md., 181. Mayor, &c., of Balto., vs. Horn, 26
Md., 206. Green's Estate, 4 Md., Ch. Dec., 349. Waters, vs. Roche, 72
Md., 264. Van Witsen vs. Gutman, 79 Md., 405. Mayor, &c., of Balto.,
vs. Ulman, 79 Md., 469. McCrea vs. Roberts, 89 Md., 251. Roby vs.
Prince George's Co., 92 Md., 161. Beasley vs. Ridout, 94 Md., 659.
Board of Supervisors, Prince George's Co., vs. Mitchell, 97 Md., 330, |
Separation of
the depart-
ments of
ment. |
Art. 9. That no power of suspending Laws or the execu-
tion of Laws, unless by, or derived from the Legislature,
ought to be exercised, or allowed. |
Suspension of
laws, |
Art. 10. That freedom of speech and debate, or proceed-
ings in the Legislature, ought not to be impeached in any
Court of Judicature. |
Freedom of
speech. |
Art. 11. That Annapolis be the place of meeting of the
Legislature; and the Legislature ought not to be convened,
or held at any other place but from evident necessity. |
Seat of gov-
ernment. |
Art. 12. That for redress of grievances, and for amend-
ing, strengthening, and for preserving the laws, the Legisla-
ture ought to be frequently convened. |
Meeting of
Legislature. |
Art. 13. That every man hath a right to petition the Leg-
islature for the redress of grievances in a peaceful and or-
derly manner. |
Right of peti-
tion. |
Art. 14. That no aid, charge, tax, burthen or fees ought
to be rated, or levied, under any pretence, without the con-
sent of the Legislature.
Art. 15. That the levying of taxes by the poll is grievous |
Levying of
and oppressive, and ought to be prohibited; that paupers
*The word "white" omitted under the 15th Amendment to the Constitution
of the United State. |
Poll tax.