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Maryland Manual, 1913-14
Volume 124, Page 12i   View pdf image (33K)
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INDEX TO THE CONSTITUTION. VIL. What books not to be purchased by, for use of members ................................ 3 16 Disqualified to hold other offices................ 3 17 Freedom of debate............................ 3 18 Powers of each House......................... 3 19 Quorum ..................................... 3 20 Sessions to be open........................... 3 21 Journals to be published....................... 3 22 Imprisonment of disorderly persons.............. 3 23 Powers of House, as grand inquest.............. 3 24 Special adjournments ......................... 3 25 Impeachments ............................... 3 26 Either House may originate bills................ 3 27 Passage of bills.............................. 3 28 Style of laws and mode of enactment............ 3 29 Mode of attesting laws......................... 3 30 When laws to take effect....................... 8 31 Appropriations of money to be made by law. . . . . . 3 32 Contingent fund of Governor................... 3 32 Statement of use of public money to be published.. 3 32 Divorces not to be granted by ................. 3 33 Local and special laws, what not to be passed.... 3 33 Debts, what not to be contracted................ 3 34 Credit of the State not to be granted, when....... 3 34 Proceeds of internal Improvement, companies and State tax, to be used to pay public debt. ...... 3 34 May borrow fifty thousand dollars without paying tax, when ............................... 3 34 May contract debts for defence of the State. . . . . . 3 34 No extra compensation to be allowed to.......... 3 36 No lottery grant to be authorized by............. 3 36 Payment for slaves prohibited.................. 3 37 Imprisonment for debt prohibited............... 3 38 Restrictions upon power to grant bank charters. . . . 3 39 No law to be passed for the taking of private prop- erty without compensation................. 3 40 Purity of elections............................ 3 42 Legislature, wife's property to be protected from hus- band's debts ............................. 3 43 Exemption laws .............................. 3 44 Uniform system of charges by Clerks and Registers of Wills ................................ 3 45 May receive land from United States............ 3 46 Contested elections, may provide for............. 3 47 Regulation of elections by law.................. 3 49 Bribery of officials to pass laws relating to........ 3 50 Taxation of personal property.................. 3 51 Appropriations for private claims............... 3 82 Witness not incompetent on account of race or color 3 53 Habeas corpus not to be suspended by........... 3 55 To pass laws to execute vested powers........... 3 56 Rate of interest may be fixed by................ 3 57 Foreign corporations to be taxed................ 3 58 Address of, to remove Judges................... 4 4 To provide compensation for Court officers........ 4 9 May prescribe sessions of Court of Appeals. ...... 4 14 May provide Judge of Supreme Court in Baltimore 4 39 To fix compensation of Judges of Orphans' Courts 4 40 Coroners, Elisors and Notaries, appointment and duties may be regulated by................. 4 45 Reports of Comptroller and Treasurer to......... 6 2-4 Amendments to Constitution by, how made........ 14 1 Librarian, State .................................. 7 3 Lotteries, prohibited ................ ............. 3 36 Lunatics not to be entitled to vote................... 1 2 Majority of each House to be a quorum,............. 3 20 Of each House required to pass bills ............ 3 28 Of House of Delegates to concur in Impeachments 3 26 Manufactures to be encouraged..................... 43 .... Marines subject to martial law..................... 32 Martial law, who only to be subject to.............. 32 Master, no payment to, for emancipated slaves....... 3 37 Mayor of Baltimore................. ............. 11 1 Members of House of Delegates, now selected........ 3 5 Of Senate ................................... 3 7 Persons ineligible ............................ 3 9-12 Compensation ................................ 3 15 Members of Congress not eligible to Legislature. . . . . . 3 10 Messages of Governor. .......... ...... ............ 2 19

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Maryland Manual, 1913-14
Volume 124, Page 12i   View pdf image (33K)
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