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Maryland Manual, 1912-13
Volume 123, Page 44   View pdf image (33K)
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Habeas cor-
SEC. 55. The General Assembly shall pass no law suspend-
ing the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus.
SEC. 56. The General Assembly shall have power to pass
Powers of As-
all such laws as may be necessary and. proper for carrying
into execution the powers vested by this Constitution, in any
department or office of the Government, and the duties im-
posed upon them thereby.
Interest. SEC. 57. The legal rate of interest shall be six per cent per
annum, unless otherwise provided by the General Assembly.
Bandel vs. Isaac, 13 Md., 202. Birmingham vs. Md. Land and Perm.
Homestead Association of Balto. Co., 45 Md., 541. Citizens' Land Co.
vs. Uhler, 48 Md., 455.
Foreign cor-
SEC. 58. The Legislature, at its first session after the rati-
fication of this Constitution, shall provide by law for State
and municipal taxation upon the revenues accruing from bus-
iness done in the State by all foreign corporations.
SEC. 59. The office of "State Pension Commissioner" is
hereby abolished; and the Legislature shall pass no law cre-
ating such office, or establishing any general pension system
within this State.
Part 1—General Provisions.
SECTION 1. The judicial power of this State shall be vested
Courts. in a Court of Appeals, Circuit Courts, Orphans' Courts, such
Courts for the city of Baltimore as are hereinafter provided
for, and Justices of the Peace; all said Courts shall be Courts
Justices of
the Peace.
of Record, and each shall have a seal to be used in the authen-
tication of all process issuing therefrom. The process and
official character of Justices of the Peace shall be authenti-
cated as hath heretofore been practiced in this State, or may
hereafter be prescribed by law.
Ex parte O'Neil, 8 Md., 227. Shafer vs. Mumma, 17 Md., 331.
of Judges.
SEC. 2. The judges of all of the said courts shall be citi-
zens of the State of Maryland, and qualified voters under this
Constitution, and shall have resided therein not less than five
years, and not less than six months next preceding their elec-
tion or appointment in the judicial circuit, as the case may be,

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Maryland Manual, 1912-13
Volume 123, Page 44   View pdf image (33K)
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