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Maryland Manual, 1912-13
Volume 123, Page 42   View pdf image (33K)
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.vise avail itself of any rights, privileges, or advantages that
nay hereafter be granted or conferred by any general or spe-
cial Act, shall be conclusively presumed to have thereby sur-
rendered any exemption from taxation to which it may be en-
titled under its charter, and. shall be thereafter subject to tax-
ation as if no such exemption has been granted by its char-
New Central Coal Co. vs, George's Creek Coal and Iron Co., 37 Md.,
537. Montell & Co. vs. Consolidated Coal Co., 39 Md., 164. State vs.
Northern Central R. R. Co., 44 Md., 131. Reed vs. Balto. Trust and
Guarantee Co., 72 Md., 531. Jackson vs. Walsh, 75 Md., 304. Webster
vs. Cambridge Female Seminary, 78 Md., 193. Phinney vs. Sheppard
Hospital, 88 Md., 638. State vs. N. C. Ry Co., 90 Md., 471. Scholle vs.
State, 90 Md., 734. Mealey vs. Hagerstown, 92 Md., 745.
SEC. 49. The General Assembly shall have power to regu-
Elections. late by law, not inconsistent with this Constitution, all mat-
ters which relate to the Judges of Election, time, place and
manner of holding elections in this State, and of making re-
turns thereof.
Lankford vs. Commrs. Somerset Co., 73 Md., 105.
SEC. 50. It shall be the duty of the General Assembly at
Bribery its first session, held after the adoption of this Constitution,
to provide by law for the punishment, by fine, or imprison-
ment in the penitentiary, or both, in the discretion of the
court, of any person who shall bribe or attempt to bribe any
Executive, or Judicial officer of the State of Maryland, or
any member, or officer of the General Assembly of the State
of Maryland, or of any municipal corporation in the State
of Maryland, or any executive officer of such corporation, in
Punishment. order to influence him in the performance of any of his offi-
cial duties; and also, to provide by law for the punishment,
by fine, or imprisonment in the penitentiary, or both, in the
discretion of the court, of any of said officers, or members,
who shall demand or receive any bribe, fee, reward or tes-
timonial for the performance of his official duties, or for neg-
lecting or failing to perform the same; and also, to provide
by law for compelling any person so bribing, or attempting
Evidence. to bribe, or so demanding or receiving a bribe, fee, reward
or testimonial, to testify against any person or persons who
may have committed any of said offences; provided, that any
person so compelled to testify shall be exempted from trial
and punishment for the offence of which he may have been
guilty; and any person convicted of such offence shall, as part
of the punishment thereof, be forever disfranchised and dis-
*Thus amended by Chapter 195, Acts of 1890, ratified by the people Novem-
ber 3, 1891.

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Maryland Manual, 1912-13
Volume 123, Page 42   View pdf image (33K)
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