PORATE the same into a PROVINCE, and nominate the same
MARYLAND, by which name WE will that it shall from
henceforth be called.
VII. And forasmuch as WE have above made and or-
dained the aforesaid now Baron of BALTIMORE, the true
LORD and PROPRIETARY of the whole PROVINCE aforesaid,
KNOW YE therefore further, that WE, for US, our Heirs,
and Successors do grant unto the said now Baron, (in whose
Fidelity, Prudence, Justice, and provident Circumspection
of Mind, WE, repose the greatest Confidence) and. to his
Heirs, for the good and happy Government of the said PROV-
INCE. free, full and absolute Power, by the Tenor of these
Presents, to Ordain, Make and Enact LAWS, of what kind
soever, according to their sound Discretion, whether relating
to the Public State of the said PROVINCE, or the private Util-
ity of Individuals, of and with the Advice, Assent, and Ap-
probation of the Free-Men of the same PROVINCE, or of the
greater Part of them, or of their Delegates or Deputies, whom
WE will shall be called together for the framing of LAWS,
when, and as often as Need shall require, by the aforesaid
now Baron of BALTIMORE, and his Heirs, and in the Form
which shall seem. best to him or them, and the same to pub-
lish under the Seal of the aforesaid now Baron of BALTI-
MORE and his Heirs and duly to execute the same upon all
Persons, for the Time being, within the aforesaid PROVINCE
and the Limits thereof, or under his or their Government and
Power, in Sailing toward MARYLAND, or thence Returning,
Outward-bound, either to England or elsewhere, whether
any other Part or of any foreign Dominions, wheresoever es-
tablished, by the Imposition of Fines, Imprisonment, and
other Punishment whatsoever; even if it be necessary, and
the Quality of the Offence require it, by Privation of Member
or, Life, by him the aforesaid now Baron of BALTIMORE,
and his Heirs, or by his or their Deputy, Lieutenant, Judges.
Justices, Magistrates, Officers, and Ministers, to be consti-
tuted and appointed according to the Tenor and true Intent
of these Presents, and to constitute and ordain Judges, Jus-
tices, Magistrates and Officers, of what Kind, for what Cause,
and with what Power soever, within that Land, and the Sea
of those Parts, and in such Form as to the said now Baron of
BALTIMORE, or his lleirs, shall seem most fitting: And
also to Remit, Release, Pardon, and Abolish, all Crimes and
Offences whatsoever against such Laws. whether before, or