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Maryland Manual, 1912-13
Volume 123, Page 37   View pdf image (33K)
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Hamilton vs. State, 61 Md., 14. Allegany County vs. Warfield, 100 Md..
SEC. 31. No law passed by the General Assembly shall
take effect until the first day of June next after the session at
which it may be passed, unless it he otherwise expressly de-
clared therein.
Parkinson vs. State, 14 Md., 184. Risewick vs. Davis, 19 Md., 96.
When laws
take effect.
SEC. 32. No money shall be drawn from. the Treasury of
the State by any order or resolution, nor except in accord-
ance with an appropriation by law; and every such law shall
distinctly specify the sum appropriated and object to which
it shall be applied; provided, that nothing herein contained
shall prevent the General Assembly from placing a contingent
fund at the disposal of the Executive, who shall report to the
General Assembly at each session the amount expended, and
the purposes to which it was applied. An accurate statement
of the receipts and expenditures of the public money shall
be attached to and published with the laws after each regular
session of the General Assembly.
Thomas vs. Owens, 4 Md., 189. McPherson vs. Leonard, 29 Md., 377.
to be pub-
lished with
SEC. 33. The General Assembly shall not pass local or
special laws in any of the following enumerated cases, viz. :
For extending the time for the collection of taxes, granting
divorces, changing the name of any person, providing for the
sale of real estate belonging to minors or other persons labor-
ing under legal disabilities, by executors, administrators,
guardians or trustees, giving effect to informal or invalid
deeds or wills, refunding money paid into the State Treasury,
or releasing persons from their debts or obligations to the
State, unless recommended by the Governor or officers of the
Treasury Department. And the General Assembly shall pass
no special law for any case for which provision has been made
by an existing general law. The General Assembly, at its
first session after the adoption of this Constitution, shall pass
general laws providing for the cases enumerated in this sec-
tion which are not already adequately provided for, and for
all other cases where a general law can be made applicable.
Whittington vs. Polk, 1 H. & J., 236. Horsey vs. State, 3 H. & J., 2.
Gover vs. Hall, Exr., 3 H. & J., 43, Partridge vs. Dorsey, 3 H. & J., 302.
Crane vs. Meginnis, 1 G. & J., 463. Dulany vs. Tilghman, 6 G. & 3., 46.
Norris vs. Trustees of the Abingdon Academy, 7 G. & ,T„ 7. Barrett vs.
Oliver, 7 0. & J., 191. Lawrence vs. Hicks, 8 G. & 3., 386. The Reg-
gents of the University of Maryland vs. Williams, 9 G. & J., 365. Dor-
sey vs. Gilbert, 11 G. & J.. 87. Cromwell vs. State, 12 G. & J., 257.
Prout vs. Berry, 12 G. & J., 286. State vs. B. & 0. R. R. Co., 12 G. & J..
400. Campbell's Case, 2 Bl., 209. Wright vs. Wright, 2 Md., 429. Rock
Special laws

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Maryland Manual, 1912-13
Volume 123, Page 37   View pdf image (33K)
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