Name. Post Office.
George L. Bartlett....................................... Easton
Marion A. Humphries. ................................ Salisbury
Henry L. Duer....................................... Baltimore
William B. Tilghman.................................. Salisbury
W. Bladen Lowndes................................... Baltimore
Edward M. Allen.................................... Darlington
Herman C. Huffer. .................................. .Baltimore
Albanus Phillips..................................... Cambridge
William Whitridge.................................... Baltimore
C. Wilbur Miller. .................................... .Baltimore
The Governor appoints one Quartermaster General, one Chief of
Ordnance, one Inspector General, one Surgeon General, one Judge Advo-
cate General, all with the rank of Brigadier General; and ten aides with
the rank of Colonel. The Assistant General is appointed by the Adjutant
Genera] (Ch. 103,1908).
Judiciary Department.
Terms—Second Monday in January, first Monday in April and first
Monday in October.
Name. Postoffice. Term Expires.
Chief Judge:
Andrew Hunter Boyd. ........ Cumberland ................. 1924
Associate Judges:
John R. Pattison............. Cambridge ................... 1924
James Alfred Pearce. ......... Chestertown ................. 1912
Nicholas Charles Burke....... Towson ..................... 1920
William H, Thomas. .......... Westminster ................. 1922
Hammond Urner. ............ Frederick ................... 1924
John P. Briscoe.............. Prince Frederick ............. 1922
Henry Stockbridge. ......... ..Baltimore City .............. .1926
Court Reporter:
William T. Brantly. .................................. Baltimore
Clerk of the Court:
Caleb C. Magruder.............................. Upper Marlboro
Deputy Clerk:
Luther H. Gadd....................................... Annapolis
, Clerks:
James G. Thompson.................................. Annapolis
R. Lee Waller. ...................................... .Salisbury
Thomas N. Magruder............................... Mitchellsville
Court Crier:
John Whittington..................................... Annapolis
Court Collector:
J. Frank Smith........................................ Scotland
Maurice Ogle........................................... Croome
Edgar Allan Poe. .................................... .Baltimore