Smith, George H...................211 North Schroeder Street.
Smith, John R....................213 Courtland Street.
Spillman, William................. German Savings Bank.
Stanford, John H.................. 609 Calvert Building.
Steams, Howard. ................. 713 North Carey Street.
Sullivan, J. Carroll. ............... Law Building.
Sullivan, Felix R.................. 23 South Street.
Taylor, George E.................. 306 East Lexington Street.
Taylor, William S., Jr.............19 East Saratoga Street.
Thomas, Douglas.................. Merchants Trust and Deposit Go.
Thomas, H. H..................... 810 Equitable Building.
Thomas, Joseph H................. 415 Continental Building.
Thomas, James B.................. 14 East Lexington Street.
Thompson, Wilbur S............... 10 East Fayette Street.
Toulson, Edward ..................323 West Biddle Street.
Tuck, Phllemon H................. 207 North Calvert Street.
Tyson, Curtis O........ ............ 643 Calvert Building.
Warner, John F................... 1517 East Lafayette Avenne.
Webb, Armistead M. .............. 209 St. Paul Street.
Webb, R. Legare. ..................West Arlington.
Welsh, Patrick R.................. 1400 Battery Avenue.
Wertzer, Lee J.................... 424 West Mulberry Street.
Wilbur, Albert. ....................419 Gaither Building.
Williams, T. Bayard. .............. 1163 Calvert Building.
Wilson, Harvey H................. Consolidation Coal Co.
Wolfenden, Arthur T.............. 223 St. Paul Street.
Wrenn, Marshall M................ 1613 West Lexington Street
All Terms Expire In May, 1912.)
Governor, with consent of Senate, appoints one for each Police
Station of the city and one at large. Term two years from the first
Monday in May.
Dr. Ronald T. Abercrombie, At Large.......4 E. Preston St.
Dr. Silas Baldwin, Northwestern...........700 W. Lafayette Ave.
Dr. Herbert O. Blake, Southwestern........ 1014 W. Lafayette Ave.
Dr. Frederick Caruthers, Northeastern..... .2229 E. Baltimore St.
Dr. G. Milton Linthicum, Northern.........1818 N. Charles St.
Dr. Patrick F. Martin, Western............1002 W. Lafayette Ave.
Dr. Otto M. Reinhardt, Southern...........1017 S. Charles St.
Dr. William T. Riley, Central..............1639 N. Broadway.
Dr. Thomas H. Sudler, Eastern.............32 W. Lexington St.
(All Terms Expire in May, 1912.)
Governor, with consent of Senate, appoints one additional Justice-
of the Peace, and designates him Magistrate for Juvenile Causes.
I. J. C. Williams.......................... 1726 N. Calvert St.
Morrill N. Packard, Asst. Juvenile Judge.. . 22 E, Lexington St.
Office, Courthouse.
(All Terms Expire in May, 1912.)
Governor, with consent of Senate, appoints three, one from the
minority party, for a term of two years from the first Monday in
Charles H. Carter, Democrat...............811 St. Paul St.
Max Ways................................ 1819 St. Paul St
Harry W. Nice, Republican................ 115 N. Carey St.