Finley, William N................. 9 East Lexington Street.
Foos, George A................ . ...Rayner Building.
Freeny, Benjamin L...............22 East Lexington Street.
French, H. Findlay. ...............607 Continental Trust Building.
Gaban. W. Howard. .............. .2626 North Charles Street.
Gammie, George B................. Safe Deposit and Trust Company.
Geiss, Frederick W................ 2 North Fremont Avenue.
Gerbig, Robert H.................. 14 South Pulaski Street.
Gill, Albert 8......................215 St. Paul Street.
Goldsborough, Harry P., Jr........ Traders Bank.
Goodrich, Alfred G. ........ ....... 8 South Street.
Gosnell, Thomas. ................. 1929 West Lexington Street.
Grafflin, Charles F................. Provident Savings Bank.
Greenbaum, Simon. .............. .Baltimore and Carey Streets.
Grensfelder, Solomon. ............ .2026 McCulloh Street.
Griggith, G. Milton.................701 Gaither Building.
Gwynn, Richard................... 1855 Fulton Avenue.
Hall, Carcy D.....................33 Knickerbocker Building.
Hall, William T.................. .Mar-Del Mobile Company.
Hamburger, Henry A.............. 2207 Linden Avenue.
Hanson, Murray................... 222 St. Paul Street.
Harlan, James T.................. 1112 Bolton Street.
Haulenbeek, George W............ .Baltimore and Ohio Building.
Heath, Walter R.................. 403 East Lafayette Avenue.
Hecht, Lee 1......................
Heinz, Evan A.................... 413 East Baltimore Street.
Henkus, John A................... 707 Gaither Building.
Hesse, Charles 11.................. 2017 Bast Eager Street.
Hewes, John W................... 2 Abell Building.
Hill, Edward P................... Continental Unilding.
Hilleary, J. Alex., Jr...............411 Fidelity Building.
Hissey, William, Jr................Credit Clearing House.
Houper, Jubii R................... Gommonwealth Bank.
Houseinan, Henry H., Jr........... 1741 North Patterson Park Ave.
Hull, Thomas G................... 729 Law Building.
Hutchins, Charles L............... Commercial and Farmers Bank.
Irelan, Edwin C................... American Bonding Company.
Jamison, C. Elmer................. 307 Law Building.
Jarzy, Thomas F.................. 712 South Wolfe Street.
Johnson, James F.................914 Equitable Building.
Jones, R. Elsworth. ............... 1808 North Mount Street.
Jerlein, Louis G..................Baltimore and North Streets.
Kinnomon, John E................ 2241 Bast Preston Street.
Klemm, Francis L................. 225 St. Paul Street.
Klock, Leslie A.................... 12 East Twenty-first Street.
Knight, Rodgers O................. 1201 Calvert Building.
Knott, Harry J................. ...1306 Ensor Street.
Krender, Charles, Jr............... 218 St. Paul Street.
Leitch, Stephen W.................
Leonard, Millard. ................ .American Bonding Company.
Levy, William S................... 8 East Lexington Street.
Lindsey, Harry M................. 1003 West North Avenue.
Luber, Michael.................... 1000 North Patterson Park Ave.
Luddington, Dwight M............. 602 Law Building.
McBridge, William J.............. 10 South Street.
McCaffrey. Read A................ 511 Law Building.
McFeely, William J............... 1709 North Calvert Street.
McKendrick. Carl R............... U. S. Fidelity and Guar. Bldg.
Malsch, F. Henry ..................112 East Lexington Street
Maloney, Carroll................... 331 South Fulton Avenue.