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Maryland Manual, 1910-11
Volume 121, Page 99   View pdf image (33K)
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Counties. Origin of Name, Date of
Area in
St. Mary's 1....... In honor of the Virgin Mary,
the landing having been
made on the Feast of the
Annunciation.............. 1637 372
Kent 2.
Anne Arundel 3 . . .
After the English county. ....
After the Lady Anne Arundel,
wife of Caecilius, second
1642 281
Lord Baltimore............ 1650 425
Calvert 4......... After the family name of the
proprietary................ 1654 222
Charles 5........
Baltimore 6......
After Charles, Lord Baltimore.
From the Proprietary's Irish
Barony (Celtic bilte mor;
1658 451
i. e., the large town) ....... 1659 656
Talbot 7.........
After Grace Talbot, daughter
of George, first Lord Balti-
Somerset 8....... more ...., .. .........
After Mary Somerset, sister
1661 286
Dorchester 9..... of Lord Baltimore..........
After Earl Dorset, a family
1666 362
Cecil 10......... friend of the Calverts. .....
After the forename of the sec-
1668 618
ond Lord Baltimore........ 1674 360
1 There is great difficulty In assigning exact dates to the erection of Coun-
ties In the early years of the Province, from the fact that considerable con-
tusion exists between the county and the hundred, sheriffs being commis-
sioned for the latter as well as the former, and because Counties were erected
some times by order in Council, proclamation or by Act of Assembly. A
series of Interesting historical maps has been prepared by Dr. Edward B.
Mathews, Assistant State Geologist, which, when published, will shed con-
siderable light on the subject. A Commission was issued to James Baldridge as sheriff of St. Mary's
county, June 29, 1637, (Archiv. of Md., 3.61), and the courts were put In
operation by Acts of Assembly, 1638-9, (Archiv. 1:46-57). 2A commission was Issued to John Langford as sheriff of the Isle of Kent,
February 9, 1637 (Archiv. 3:61), and on August 2, 1642, a commission was
Issued to Giles Brent, for the county of Kent (Archiv. 3:105). County gov-
ernment was evidently organized In that year, as the expenses of the As-
sembly were assessed on the counties of St. Mary's and Kent. 3Erected by Act of Assembly, 1650, ch. 8. Name changed to Providence
by Act of 1654, ch. 17. Name restored in 1658. 4Erected by order In Council July 3, 1654 (Archiv. 3:308). In October
of the same year the name was changed to Patuxent under the Cromwell
administration (Archiv. 1:341). Name restored, 1658. 5Erected by order In Council, April 13, 1658 (Archiv. 3:341). An earlier
Charles county was erected by order in Council, October 3, 1650, from part
of the territory now Included In St. Mary's, Charles and Prince George's
counties. This order was repealed by order of July 3, 1654, supra. 6Erected by order In Council. No full record, but writ of election was
Issued to sheriff January 12, 1659 (Archiv. 1:381). 7No record. Writ of election Issued to sheriff February 18, 1661 (Archiv.
1:425 and 3:448). 8Erected by order In Council, August 22, 1666 (Archiv. 8:553).
9No record. Writ Issued to sheriff February 16, 1668 (Archiv. 2:185).
10Erected by proclamation of Governor Charles Calvert, June 6, 1674
(Archiv. 15:39-41). Delegates are named as present at Assembly from Cecil
county, February 12, 1674 (Archiv. 2:421).

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Maryland Manual, 1910-11
Volume 121, Page 99   View pdf image (33K)
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