Montgomery County—Senate:
Blair Lee (D. )................................. .. Silver Hill
Montgomery County—House of Delegates:
Andrew J. Cummings (D.) ..................... .Chevy Chase
James B. Duvall (D. )............................. Damascus
John A. Garrett (D. )............................. .Glen Echo
James A. Henderson (D.).......................... Rockville
Prince George's County—Senate:
Charles A. Wells (D. )........................... .Hyattsville
Prince George's County—House of Delegates:
Ogle Marbury (D.) .................................. Laurel
Jeremiah J. Crowley (D.)......................... .Landover
William R. C. Connick (D.) ........................... .Orem
Millard Thorn (D.) ................................ ..Selesia
Queen Anne's County—Senate:
John Frank Harper (D.) ......................... .Centreville
Queen Anne's County—House of Delegates:
John P. Roe (D.) ................................... .Chester
Frank H. Phillips (D.).......................... .Centreville
Samuel Roe (D.) ................................ .Centreville
St. Mary's County—Senate:
Washington Wilkinson (R.) ...................... .Hollywood
St. Mary's County—House of Delegates:
Charles V. Hayden (D.) ....................... .Leonardtown
Frank Z. Crane (R.).................................. Ridge
Somerset County—Senate :
Lewis M. Milbourne (D.) .......................... .Kingston
Somerset County—House of Delegates:
Herschel Ford (D.) ............................... .Fairmont
William F. Byrd (D. )............................. ..Crisfield
Alpheus L. Carver (D.) ............................. .Marion
Talbot County—Senate:
Richard S. Dodson (D. ).........................St. Michaels
Talbot County—House of Delegates:
W, Oscar Collier (D.) ............................... .Easton
John A. Rhodes (D. )................................ Cordova
Charles H. Rose (R.) .............................. .Cordova
Washington County—Senate:
DeWitt C. R. Miller (D.) .............. .Mason and Dixon, Pa.
Washington County—House of Delegates:
Daniel E. Downin (D.).......................... Hagerstown
J. Wingate Draper (D.) ........................ .Hagerstown
Jacob M. Middlekauf (D.).......................... Spielman
Henry Brindle (R.) .............................. .Hagerstown
Daniel D. Keedy (R.).......................... ..Keedysville