SECTION 1. The Legislature shall consist of two distinct
branches—a Senate and a House of Delegates—and shall be
styled the General Assembly of Maryland.
Bradshaw v. Lankford, 73 Md., 428. Warfield v. Vandiver, 101
Md., 78.
SEC. 2. Each county in the State, and each of the three |
Legislative Districts of Baltimore city, as they are now, or
may hereafter be defined, shall be entitled to one Senator,
who shall be elected by the qualified voters of the counties
and of the Legislative Districts of Baltimore city, respec- |
Election of
Senators. |
tively, and shall serve for four years from the date of his
election, subject to the classification of Senators hereafter
provided for.
[SEC. 2. The city of Baltimore shall be divided into four |
Term. |
legislative districts, as near as may be, of equal population
and of continguous territory, and each of said legislative
districts of Baltimore city, as they may from time to time
be laid out, in accordance with the provisions hereof, and
each county in the State shall be entitled to one Senator, |
districts. |
who shall be elected by the qualified voters of the said legis-
lative districts of Baltimore city and of the counties of the
State, respectively, and shall serve for four years from the
date of his election, subject to the classification of Senators
hereafter provided for.]*
SEC. 3. Until the taking and publishing of the next |
Election of
Term. |
National Census, or until the enumeration of the population
of this State, under the authority thereof, the several coun-
ties and the city of Baltimore, shall have a representation
in the House of Delegates, as follows: Allegany County,
five Delegates; Anne Arundel County, three Delegates; Bal-
timore County, six Delegates; each of the three Legislative
Districts of the city of Baltimore, six Delegates; Calvert
County, two Delegates; Caroline County, two Delegates;
Carroll County, four Delegates; Cecil County, four Dele-
gates; Charles County, two Delegates; Dorchester County,
three Delegates; Frederick County, six Delegates; Harford
County, four Delegates; Howard County, two Delegates;
Kent County, two Delegates; Montgomery County, three
Delegates; Prince George's County, three Delegates; Queen
Anne's County, two Delegates; St. Mary's County, two Dele-
*Thus amended by Act of 1900, Chapter 469, ratified by the people at
November election, 1901. |
tion in