, NAME. . .
John Black, President..............
.....Baltimore City.
Spencer C. Jones, Vice-President.......
H. Clay Naill, Secretary............
.....Baltimore City.
Henry Williams....................
Alexander D. Irwin.................
....Snow Hill.
F. Snoden Hill......................
....Upper Marlboro.
Bernard C. Steiner.................
.........Baltimore City.
I. T. Costen........................
......Pocomoke City.
W. T. P. Turpin...................
William G. Baker..................
Francis V. King....................
.... Leonardtown.
Charles E. Trail....................
.....Baltimore City.
Albert Jones.......................
.....Mt. Airy.
T. J. C. Williams...................
....Baltimore City.
Arthur Potts........................
George W. Moore...................
.....Baltimore City.
Steiner Schley......................
James McNabb.....................
, ......Catonsville.
Palmer Tennant.....................
, ......Hagerstown.
Mortimer D. Craspter...............
John W. Bromwell .................
, .......Mt. Airy.
J. Tyler Gray......................
.....Baltimore City.
William B. Mobley ..................
George R. Dennis...................
John K. Shaw, Jr..................
......Baltimore City.
Jesse O. Snyder....................
Lloyd Lowndes, Jr.................
Upton B. Brooke..................
Sterling Galt......................
Board consists of 30 members. Governor appoints to fill vacancies-
only. No term. (Ch. 247, 1867.)