schools of Worcester county and the University of Virginia,
taught school in his native county at Girdletree and Stockton
for three years, was admitted to the Bar of Worcester county
July, 1884, since which time he has resided at Snow Hill en-
gaged in the practice of his profession. In 1891 he was elected
State's Attorney for Worcester county and was twice re-
elected, making in all a term of 12 years in that office. De-
cember 22, 1897, he was married to Louisa Richardson, young-
est daughter of Littleton P. Franklin, deceased, of Berlin,
Md. They have one daughter, eight years of age.
SEVERN MURRAY, Democrat—Berlin.
Mr. Severn Murray was born in Sussex county, Del., in
1844, but has spent the most of his life in Berlin, Worcester
county, having resided there since 1859. He is a carriage maker
and wheelwright by trade. He has never before held an elective
office, but was appointed Supervisor of Elections for two terms
when the Australian ballot was first passed, and was appointed
postmaster at Berlin under Grover Cleveland and held the
position for four years. He is a prominent Odd Fellow, being
a Past Deputy District Grand Master of Paran Lodge No. 64,
I. O. O. F., and Past Chief Patriarch of Decatur Encampment
No. 7, 1. O. O. F., both of Berlin.