years be was a School Commissioner of Talbot county, and
during his term many new schoolhouses were erected,
including the Easton High School. At the present time he
is a member of the Democratic State Central Committee of
Talbot county. Mr. Moore has always been an ardent fol-
lower of the principles of true Democracy—Jeffersonian
Democracy. He will make an admirable representative in
the coming Legislature of Talbot county's interests. He is
a man of honor, who holds the voters' interest at heart, the
same as all true Americans should do. He has been tried
and not found wanting.
BENEDICT J. BOSWELL, Democrat.—Clear Spring.
Mr. Benedict J. Boswell was born in Clear Spring, Wash-
ington county, on March 21, 1868. He is descended from
a long line of German ancestry. His father, who was a
native of Germany, had an uncle who was killed at the battle
of Waterloo while in command of his regiment, and. his name
is now inscribed on the battle monument erected at Hanover.
Mr. Boswell received his education in the public schools of
Clear Spring, and succeeded his father in a well-established
jewelry business in that town. Owing to impaired health
he was obliged to seek outdoor employment, and about nine
years ago associated with Messrs. Armstrong & Co., insur-
ance and real estate agents of Hagerstown, and since then
has successfully represented them in Washington and Alle-
gany counties. He was the only Democrat elected on the
Delegate ticket from Washington county.
JOHN B. BEARD, Republican—Williamsport.
Mr. John B. Beard was born at Williamsport, Md., July 27,
1867. Is engaged in farming, having followed this vocation
for the past 18 years. He is married and has a family; is
now serving his second term in the Legislature, having been
a member of the session of 1906.
THOMPSON A. BROWN, Republican—Hagerstown.
Mr. Brown was born in Franklin county, Pa., in 1861.
His parents were Scotch-Irish Covenanters, who came
to this country in the early part of the nineteenth century.
Moved to Maryland in 1874. Was educated at Hampden-