He has always been a staunch Republican and strong believer
in that party's principles. He is a young man of unblem-
ished character and one in whom his friends have unbounded
confidence; and of him it has been said, "Mr. Green would
rather be right than President."
JACOB S. MYERS, Republican—Friendsville.
Mr. Myers was born in Allegany, now Garrett, county in
1863. Received a fair education in the public schools of the
county and county normals. Taught in the public schools of
Garrett and Allegany counties for nine years. Served six
years as Clerk to the County Commissioners. Deputy Sheriff
and Clerk to Supervisors of Elections for two years. Served
as Storekeeper-Ganger for eight years. Resigned that position
when nominated for the House of Delegates. Carpenter by
trade; now engaged in farming; has a farm of his own.
Is a married man and has always taken an active part in
MARTIN L. JARRETT, Democrat—Jarrettsville.
Dr. Jarrett was born at Jarrettsville, in Harford county, on
November 18, 1841, and after attaining his 18th year began
the study of medicine under Drs. Chew and Butler of Baltimore.
He attended the University of Maryland, from which institution
he was graduated in 1864, immediately entering the Confeder-
ate Army as a private in the First Maryland Cavalry. After
the surrender of General Lee he returned to his home and has
since practiced his profession.
H. C. LAWDER, Democrat—Havre de Grace.
Mr. Harry C. Lawder, born March 4, 1844, on a farm in Har-
ford county, has been in the wholesale and retail butcher busi-
ness continuously since 1860. Was Engrossing Clerk in the
Senate in 1900 and was elected and served in the legislature
during the session of 1906. He has also been engaged in the
breeding of trotting horses.
WALTER R. McCOMAS, Democrat—Bel Air.
Mr. McComas was born January 23, 1879, in Baltimore
county, Md., and several years later removed to Harford.
He was educated in the public schools, graduating at the Belair
Academy. Studied law in the office of Hon. Thomas H. Robin-