GEORGE T. MURRAY, Democrat—Odenton.
Mr. George T. Murray, of the Anne Arundel county delega-
tion, was born in Anne Arundel county in 1878, and has
always lived in said county. He is the son of the late
George M. Murray, a highly respected resident and business
man of Odenton, who was also a member of the House of
Delegates in 1894. George T., our present delegate, has
inherited his father's political ambition, being a true Demo-
crat in every sense of the word, and a great worker for the
party. He is a member of the firm of C. M. Murray & Bros.,
who are actively engaged in the canning and merchandise
business at Odenton, Anne Arundel county.
BALTIMORE CITY—(First Legislative District).
Six Members.
EDGAR N. ASH, Democrat—Baltimore.
Mr. Edgar Newton Ash was born at Indianapolis, Ind., Au-
gust 23, 1860; attended public schools at Terre Haute, Ind.;
started at printer's trade in 1875 on the Terre Haute "Morn-
ing Express"; joined Typographical Union in 1879; worked
in the Government Printing Office during Cleveland's first
administration, and since that time has been employed on
the Baltimore daily papers; was a member of the House of
Delegates, session of 1906, and re-elected to the House, ses-
sion of 1908.
WILLIAM J. CARRICK, Democrat—Baltimore.
Mr. William J. Carrick was elected a member of the
General Assembly from the First Legislative district of Balti-
more at the election of 1907.
HENRY KLASE, Democrat—Baltimore.
Mr. Henry Klase was born in Baltimore in October, 1860;
was educated in the public schools of Baltimore, and after-
wards learned the trade of machinist. At the age of 22
years he took a position with the Northern Central Rail-
way Company as clerk, which position he is still holding at
the present time.
DANIEL C. McGONIGLE, Democrat—Baltimore.
Daniel C. McGonigle, elected to the State Legislature in
November, 1907, is the son of Daniel and Margaret Mc-
Gonigle, and was born in Baltimore on August 24, 1880,
being 27 years of age. He received his early training in the