him to such an extent that the company of which he is the man-
ager and moving spirit at present now owns and operates three
factories, having a daily output of 75 tons. In addition to
managing his business enterprises Mr. Price has found time
to participate in all the movements for the development of Salis-
bury and Wicomico county. He was for six years a member
of the City Council and acted as clerk to that body, and during
his administration many of the measures which have made
Salisbury a hustling, up-to-date city were initiated.
Mr. Price has never sought office, but his industry, integrity
and sound business judgment, which caused the party to turn
to him for its candidate for County Treasurer in 1903, to which
position he was elected by a handsome majority and which he
has filled most acceptably, having systematized the office and
put into operation plans that will very shortly place the county
on a cash basis. He was unanimously renominated for the
same office in 1907, but Ex-Gov. E. E. Jackson, who had been
nominated by the same convention for the State Senate, hav-
ing declined the nomination on account of ill health) it became
necessary to reconvene the convention to fill the vacancy, and
the party unanimously turned to Mr. Price and asked him to
accept the nomination for Senator, which he did, and was
elected by a very large majority, after one of the hottest cam-
paigns in many years. Mr. Price is identified with many of
Salisbury's business enterprises and financial institutions; he
was the prime mover in the establishment of the Wicomico
Building and Loan Association, and has been a director in that
institution since its formation. He is also vice-president and
director of the People's National Bank, one of the large financial
institutions of Salisbury. Mr. Price is also connected with
several commercial enterprises. He is president of the E. H.
White Shoe Company, of Salisbury, and vice-president of the
Laurel-Seaford Electric Light Company, and owner and man-
ager of the Salisbury Ice Cream Company. Mr. Price is a
hard worker and believes in system, which no doubt has been
the means of him accomplishing such a great amount of work.
Mr. Price's ancestors on both sides were large slaveholders and
Democrats, and he is a Democrat by inheritance as well as
belief. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church,
South, is also connected with the K. of P., Red Men, Royal
Arcanum, Heptasophs and Maccabees. He married in 1889
Miss Amiss, the daughter of a Methodist preacher, and has
one child, a daughter.