Calvert County—LEWIS McK. GRIFFITH, Republican—Chaney.
Mr. Griffith is a farmer of Calvert county, born in 1834
and educated at Dickinson College. In connection with farming
he is interested in mining silica. He is a conservative Republi-
can, interested in politics, but with no special desire for office.
He was a member of the House in 1888 and 1902, and has
served one term as School Examiner and in the Senate from
1902 to 1906.
Caroline County—WILLIAM W. GOLDSBOROUGH, Democrat—
Dr. William Winder Goldsborough, of Caroline county, was
born May 4, 1875) Fauquier county, Va. He is a
grandson of the late Dr. Griffin W. Goldsborough, who served
in both the Legislature and State Senate of Maryland, and a
son of W. L. Goldsborough, who was formerly consul to Amoy,
China. The Doctor has three brothers, W. Laird Goldsborough,
Judge Advocate of Manila, P. 1.; W. E. Goldsborough, who
was chief of the Electrical Building at the St. Louis Exposition,
and S. Alan Goldsborough. State's Attorney for Caroline
county. He received his education at the Rockville Academy
and Washington College, Chestertown, and graduated from the
University of Maryland School of Medicine in the spring of
1901. The following fall he was elected to the House of Dele-
gates, leading the legislative part of the ticket, serving with
credit to his county during the session of 1902. In the spring
of that year he established the Caroline "Sun" at Ridgely, Md„
which is one of the most progressive journals in the county
today. The following fall he settled in Greensboro and has
since been successfully practicing his profession there. In the
spring of 1903 he was elected president of the Board of Town
Commissioners of Greensboro, of which body he is still a mem-
ber. The Doctor has always taken an active interest in public
affairs, having served as a delegate in several county and Con-
gressional conventions, and the State Convention which nomi-
nated the Hon. Edwin Warfield for Governor. He was the
only successful candidate on the Democratic ticket at the 1906
election, having defeated Henry Clay Hobbs for the Senate.
He is a Master Mason and a member of the Protestant Epis-
copal Church.