He was instrumental in having much good legislation enacted
in the interests of his constituents.
During his successful political career Senator Shannon has
frequently been mentioned as an available candidate for the
Democratic nomination for Congress from the Sixth district.
Anne Arundel County—JAMES R. BRASHBARS., Democrat—
Mr. Brashears is a member of the Anne Arundel county
Bar and was born on West River in 1858. For six years he
was Deputy Register of Wills under his father, John W.
Brashears, and since then he has practiced law in Annapolis.
He was elected to the House of Delegates in 1889, 1891 and
1894, and at the session of 1894 was Speaker pro tem. During
those sessions he served on the Ways and Means, Judiciary and
the Chesapeake Bay and Tributaries committees. He was
elected State's Attorney in 1895, serving the full term of four
years, and was nominated for the same office in 1899, but was
defeated with the ticket. He was again elected to the House
of Delegates in 1901, was Speaker pro tem., chairman of the
Judiciary Committee and member of other important com-
Baltimore City (First District)—CHARLES P. COADY, Demo-
Mr. Charles P. Coady was born in Baltimore city on February
22, 1868. He entered the public schools at an early age and
was graduated from the Baltimore City College in the year
1886. After graduation he entered mercantile life, and while
thus engaged studied law. Was admitted to the Bar in the
year 1894, and a year thereafter began to practice his chosen
profession. Was elected to the State Senate in the fall of 1907.
Never held public office before.
Baltimore City (Second District)—PETER J. CAMPBELL,
Mr. Peter J. Campbell, the son of the late Captain Peter
J. and Catherine Campbell, was born in Baltimore on the
12th day of April, 1860. He received his education in the
public schools of Baltimore and St. John's Academy, from