Designated by the Governor.
January and alternate months. Station. February and alternate months.
Bernard A. McNally. ...... Eastern. ............... .John T. Ochs.
Fleet W.Cox. ... .........Southern. ........ ......James G. Leake.
Harry Goidman............ Northwestern. ......... .Robert H. Carr.
John B.Keplinger. ...... ..Northeastern........ .. .. C. Charles Friedel.
Robert W. Beach. ......... Southwestern. ......... .Edward S. Stanley.
Morrill N. Packard. .......At large. .............. .Ward P. Littig.
J. McKenny White......... Northern ...............No alternate.
Daniel J. Loden.. ........ ..Western. ...............No alternate.
Eugene E. Grannan. .. . ...Central. ............... .No alternate.
The Governor, with consent of the Senate, appoints one for each of the
twenty-four wards; six at large for each of the four legislative districts,
and twelve at large for the city. (All terms expire May 4, 1908.)
Marcus Ritgert........................................ 1st Ward.
C. Charles Freidel. .................................... 2d Ward.
Jacob Rab. ............................................ 3d Ward.
Walter C. Curry. .................................... 4th Ward.
Simon Buckner........................................ 9th Ward.
Frank Meehan .........................................6th Ward.
George M. Johnson. ................................. 7th Ward.
Philip G. Schwaab. ....................................8th Ward.
William D. Gould. .................................... 9th Ward.
Howell C. Brown.. ................................... .10th Ward.
Ward P. Littig. ...................................... .iith Ward.
Wilmer Emory......................................... 12th Ward.
Prank Driscoll.. .................................. .....13th Ward.
Stephen D. Broadbent................................ 14th Ward.
James F. Gurry. ....................................... 19th Ward.
Walter H. Harrison, Jr. .............. ................. l6th Ward.
David E. Mehlinger................................... 17th Ward.
Randolph R. Warfield.................... .............. i8th Ward.
James M. Correll...................................... i9th Ward.
John Gensler.......................................... .20th Ward.
Daniel Bride... ....................................... .2ist Ward.
Julius G. J. Gude. ...................... ............... 22d Ward.
Charles Reviol.........................................23d Ward.
John H. Leach........................................ 24th Ward.
Simon L. Felber. ......................................1st Leg. Dist.
David B. Grothaus. ...................................1st Leg. Dist.
James B. Loane..................................... 1st Leg. Dist
William McCawley.....................................1st Leg. Dist.
John T. Ochs. .......................................1st Leg. Dist.
E. Key Buchanan. .....................................1st Leg. Dist.
Henry T. Daly........................................2d Leg. Dist.
John B. Keplinger.....................................2d Leg. Dist.
John J. Ledden. .................................. .. .2d Leg. Dist.
David H. Lucchesi .....................................2d Leg. Dist.
Harry C. Mathieu.....................................2d Leg. Dist.
William H. Watson.. ................................. 2d Leg. Dist.
Robert W. Beach.....................................3d Leg. Dist.