Baltimore Day Nursery receives under Chapter 810, 1906, $1,500
lor the year 1907 and $1,500 for the year 1908. It is located on Patter-
son Park avenue and Gough street. Its object is to care for during
the day, chlldren whose parents are at work. Charges, per day, one
child, hve cents; two chlldren, seven cents; three children, ten cents.
Apply to Mrs. M. C. Paine, President.
Baltimore Humane Impartial Society and Aged Women's and
Men's Home receives $3,000 for the year 1907 and $3,000 for the year
1908 (Chapter 810, 1906.) Apply to W. W. Spence, President, or
Leigh Bonsai, Treasurer.
Baltimore Orphan Asylum receives under Chapter 810, 1906, $2,000
for the year 1907 and $2,000 for the year 1908. It is located at 215
North Stncker street, Baltimore. Its object is the physical, moral and
intellectual training of orphan children, and the securement of good
positions when they leave. All denominations. Terms of admission:
The child must have lost one or both parents, and must be at least five
years of age, and the girls must remain under the control of the institu-
tion until eighteeen years old, and the boys until twenty-one. Apply to
Mrs. J. Appleton Wilson, President.
Boys' Home Society of Baltimore City receives under Chapter 810,
1906, $2,000 for the year 1907 and $2,000 for the year 1008. It is located
at the corner of Calvert and Pleasant streets. Any destitute or home-
less boy between the ages of nine and eighteen years may be admitted.
Apply to John H. Lynch, Superintendent.
Country Home for the Children of Baltimore receives under Chap-
ter 810, 1906, $1,000 for the year 1907 and $1,000 for the year 1908.
Apply to Romaine Le Moyne, President, or Miss E. L. Clark, 835
Hamilton Terrace, Baltimore.
Emergency Hospital Association of Annapolis receives under
Chapter 810, 1906, $3,500 for 1907 and $3,500 for 1908.
This institution also receives appropriations from Anne Arundel
County and the city of Annapolis.
Faculty of Physic of the University of Maryland receives $5,000
for the year 1907, together with further sum of $30,000 for new buildings,
and $5,000 for the year 1908, together with further sum of $30,000 for
new buildings. The University is located on the corner of Lombard and
Greene streets, Baltimore. Provided, that the said Baltimore Infirmary
shall furnish one bed, maintenance and treatment for one patient at a
time, for each Senatorial district of the State, during two years from
the date of the passage of this Act; provided that the hospital shall fur-
nish to the Comptroller satisfactory evidence that it has so received,
maintained and treated all patients free of charge sent to them under
the provisions of this Act, in consideration of the sum of money hereby
appropriated and payable. (Chapter 810, 1906.) Apply to Dr. S. P.
Latane, Superintendent.
Franklin Square Hospital of Baltimore City receives under Chap-
ter 810, 1906, the sum of $6,000 for the year 1907 and $6,000 for the year
1008 It shall receive from each county in the State and from each
Legislative district of Baltimore city, one free patient at a time each
year upon the certificate of the County Commissioners and the Board
of Health of Baltimore city.