Maryland Industrial and 'Agricultural Institute for Colored
Youths receives under Chapter 638, 1904, $1,000 for 1905 and $1,000
Maryland Institute for the Promotion of the Mechanic Arts
under Chapter 810, 1906, receives $10,000 for the year 1907 and $10,000
for the year 1908. It is located on Baltimore street, opposite Harrison,
Baltimore. It is required to receive one free scholar from each county
in the State, and one from each Legislative district in the city of Balti-
more, selections to be made by the School Commissioners in the several
counties and the city of Baltimore. Special scholarships are given
through members of the Baltimore City Council. Apply to George L.
McCahan, Actuary, Baltimore.
State Normal School, Baltimore, is supported by the State. Annual
appropriation of $21,000 under Chapter 584, 1904. It is located
corner Carrollton and Lafayette avenues. Females are admitted at
the age of sixteen, and males at seventeen. Students are
apportioned by the State Board of Education among the several
counties and the city of Baltimore in proportion to their respective
representation in the General Assembly. Apply to E. B. Prettyman,
Principal State Normal School, Baltimore. (Code, Article 77, section
73). The object of the school is to educate teachers for the State
public schools.
State Normal School No. 2, Frostburg, receives under Chapter
584, 1904, $7,000 annually for maintenance.
The State also, under Chapter 584, 1904, appropriates annually $4,500
to the Normal Department of Washington College, located at Chester-
town, Maryland.
St. John's College, Annapolis, Maryland, The General Assembly
of the State, by Act of 1872, Chapter 303, and 1879, Chapter 315, has
provided for furnishing board, fuel, lights and washing to the incum-
bent of one State scholarship for each Senatorial district in the State,
to be appointed by the Board of School Commissioners, by and with
the advice and consent of the Senators in their respective districts
after competitive examination.
By the Act of 1894, an additional appropriation to the College pro-
vided for the education of twenty-six State students in addition to the
foregoing, free of expenses for tuition.
The Board of Visitors also grants ten additional scholarships to the
above number, making a sum total of sixty-two scholarships providing
free tuition.
State appropriation for 1907, $9,000, and $9,000 for 1908. (Chapter
810, 1906.)
These scholarships are awarded as follows:
Twenty-six State Senatorial Scholarships by the Board of School
Commissioners, by and with the advice and consent of the Senators in
their respective districts. Twenty-six State Scholarships are distributed
among the counties of Maryland, in order of priority of application,
either first, by the appointment of the Board of School Commis-
sioners: or in the event second, of no candidate being selected by
them, by the Board of Visitors and Governors of the College; or third,
by the President of St. John's College.
The balance of the Tuition Scholarships are .given to deserving
students, resident of Maryland, by the Board of Visitors and Governors,
at a meeting which shall be held after the opening of the College