postmaster at the same place under Cleveland's first adminis-
tration, and a grandson of Col. Wm. Ewell, of Accomac
County, Va., and a descendant of Henry Ewell, who came to
Virginia from England in the year 1634. He attended the
public schools in his native town until about the age of four-
teen years, when he left school to clerk in a country store. At
the age of sixteen years he went to the City of Baltimore to
earn a livelihood for himself. In a few weeks obtained em-
ployment in a store on Lower Broadway, that city, and at the
same time entered the night school of the Y. M. C. A. After
attending these classes for about three years he then studied
under private tutors, at the same time holding his position as
clerk in an insurance office, which he obtained about one year
after leaving home. He then studied law at the University of
Maryland, being a member of the class of 1901 of that insti-
tution. The same year he was admitted to the bar. In 1902 he
returned to Pocomoke City, and since that time has been prac-
ticing law at that place.