CHARLES H. GRIFFITH, Democrat—Laytonsville.
Mr. Griffith, son of Elisha R. Griffith, was born in Mont-
gomery County, Md:, January 28, 1840. Was educated in the
county schools and Rockville Academy. Is a farmer. Was
elected County Commissioner in 1883, and served two terms in
that position. Was elected Judge of the Orphans' Court in
1891 and re-elected in 1895, and was Chief Judge of the Court
from 1895 to 1899. Has served as a member of the State Cen-
tral Committee of Montgomery County for several terms.
Louis B. SCHOLL, Democrat—Dickerson.
Louis B. Scholl is the youngest son of the late Henry Scholl,
and was born in the house in which he now resides. Attended
the public schools and taught school for five years. Was Regis-
ter of Voters and Judge of Elections for eighteen years. Has
been farming for the last twenty years. His father and grand-
father were Democrats.
DAVID H. FENTON, Republican—Kensington.
Mr. Fenton was born in Brompton, Ontario, in 1865, of
Scotch-Irish parentage, and at an early age was left an orphan.
He attended the graded schools and finished his education under
private tutorage. He graduated from the Georgetown Univer-
sity Law School with the degree of L.L.M., engaged in the
practice of law, and is a member of the firm of Douglas &
Douglas, of Washington.
When a young man he located in Indiana, became interested
in politics, and was elected Secretary of the State Senate. He
was appointed private secretary to the Hon. Thomas Ham-
mond, who served in the Fifty-third Congress. In 1893 he was
appointed Chief of the Division, and later Chief Law Clerk, in
the Treasury Department at Washington, and while serving the
government he located in Montgomery County. He was' nomi-
nated by the Republicans for the House of Delegates, and was
elected by 112 pluralty, being the only Republican elected on the
RICHARD S. HILL, Democrat—Upper Marlboro.
Dr. Hill was born July 9, 1864, near Upper Marlboro, where
he now resides upon his farm "Stratford," and is a successful
farmer and stockman. He graduated from Georgetown Uni-
versity and practised medicine in Washington, D. C., for five