CHARLES A. ANDREW, Democrat—Conowingo.
Mr. Andrew was born in Darlington, Md., September 19,.
1859, and now resides in Berkley, Md. He is engaged in the
general warehouse business at Conowingo, Cecil County, also
at Glen Cove, Harford County, Md. Is a dealer in lumber and'
coal and the largest packer of tomatoes in Harford County. Is
the owner of Berkley Stock Farms and extensively engaged in
raising horses.
HARRY C. LAWDER, Democrat—Havre de Grace.
Harry C. Lawder, Democrat, born March 4, 1844, on a farm
in Harford County; has been in the wholesale and retail butcher
business continuously since 1860. Was engrossing clerk in the
Senate in 1900. He is thoroughly acquainted with the details
of legislative work.
WALTER R. McCoMAS, Democrat—Belair.
Mr. McComas was born in My Lady's Manor, Baltimore
County, Md., January 23, 1879. Removed to Harford County
in 1885. Educated at the public schools and graduated from the
Belair Academy in 1898. Soon after entered the law office of
Hon. Thomas H. Robinson and was admitted to the bar in 1904.
In 1902 appointed a Magistrate by Governor Smith, and still
holds that position. Interested in the State Guard, and now a
Second Lieutenant of Company D, First Regiment. At the
present time is engaged in the practice of law.
EDMUND L. OLDFIELD, Democrat—Rocks.
Mr. Oldfield was born November 7, 1863, at Fountain Green,
Harford County, Md. His father, William Oldfield, was a farmer
and pump maker of Pennsylvania parentage, which trade the son
learned under the father. Was graduated from Eaton & Bur-
nett's Business College in 1884, and has never been actively en-
gaged in politics before. He has been a resident of the Fourth
District, Harford County, Md., for eighteen years, and is now
actively engaged in the dairy business, general farming and1
stock raising.
MATTHEW H. GILL, Democrat—Elkridge Landing.
Mr. Gill was born at Elkridge Landing, in Howard County,
and received his education in the public schools of that county.
Was elected a member of the House of Delegates in 1903, and
at the session of 1904 served on important committees. Was-