country and continued his work at Clark University. He took
his degree in medicine in Baltimore.
In 1897 he moved to Port Deposit, Cecil County, where he
has since resided.
Charles County—S. SPEARMAN LANCASTER, Republican—Rock
Mr. Lancaster was born at the old Lancaster homestead, Rock
Hall, on the Wicomico, in Charles County, in 1859. Owing to
the death of his father when Mr. Lancaster was a boy, he be-
came his mother's business manager at an early age, and re-
ceived most of his educational instruction under her guidance,
reading a great variety of instructive literature during spare
By patient industry and strict attention to business he has ac-
quired one of the best paying properties in Charles County,
there being a population of over 235 on his estates. Was an
active Democrat until 1893, when he, with many others, went
over to the Republican party.
Was a member of the House of Delegates in 1900. In 1885
he married a daughter of the late Judge John L. Jenkins, of
Adams County, Pennsylvania, and has a family of eight chil-
Dorchester County—JOSEPH B. ANDREWS, Republican—Hur-
Mr. Andrews is the son of the late Stephen Andrews, a pros-
perous farmer of Dorchester County, well known and highly
respected. He is fifty-five years of age, and has engaged in
farming and pursuits incidental to farming during his entire
lifetime. Received his education in the public schools. Em-
ploys a great number of hands in his extensive canning factory.
Mr. Andrews has held office in his native town as Town Com-
missioner and has been one of the School Trustees for his
county. Was elected a County School Commissioner for Dor-
chester County and a member of the House of Delegates. Is
a member of the M. E. Church and connected with all religious,
charitable and business movements of Hurlock. In 1881 he
married Mary, daughter of the late J. W. B. Todd, who died
in 1896, leaving seven children. In 1900 he remarried, his sec-
ond wife being Elgin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Gore.
Mr. Andrews is a man of good judgment whose views on
business affairs are sought by his neighbors and friends and is
an indefatigable worker.