NOTARIES PUBLIC are appointed for the several counties and Balti-
more City by the Governor, with the consent of the Senate. They are
required to be citizens of the United States, and to have resided in the
State of Maryland for at least two years. The residence of the Notary
is to be designated by the Governor in the commission. They hold
office for a term of two years. The number of Notaries in the counties
is fixed by the Governor and Senate at the session of the General As-
sembly next preceding the month of May in which their term of office
begins, it being the number for each county nominated by the Gov-
ernor and confirmed by the Senate. The number allowed in the City
of Baltimore is one hundred and twenty-five. Notaries bond in the
Baltimore City in the sum of six thousand dollars and in the coun-
ties in the sum of two thousand dollars.
SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS are appointed by the Governor, with the con-
sent of the Senate, as follows: In the counties of Baltimore, Carroll,
Frederick, Dorchester and Washington the Board consists of six mem-
bers, and in the other counties of three. One-third of each Board
are appointed for two years, one-third for four years and one-third
for six years, and at1 the expiration of these terms of office the suc-
cessor is appointed for six years, thus making one-third of each Board's
members expire every two years. The Governor is also required to
appoint one-third of each Board from the political party which at
the last preceding election for Governor polled next to the highest
number of votes in the State, thus securing minority representation
on each Board. (Chapter 29, 1900).
Court Terms — Jury, first Monday in January, second Monday in
April and October. Non-jury, first Thursday in July.
Orphans' Court Days — Every Tuesday and Friday.
Archibald A. Wilson ......... State's Attorney.....................1907
John W. Young................Clerk Circuit Court..................1907
Hervey W. Shuck...............Register of Wills....................1911
Horace R. Hamilton .......... Sheriff.............................. 1907
William Harvey............... Surveyor........................... 1908
John H. Holzshu...............Treasurer............................1907
James Ash......................County Commissioner............... 1907
Adam Hice.....................County Commissioner................1907
Adam Liebeck..................County Commissioner............... 1907
Angus Ireland................. Clerk County Commissioners........ 1909
Miflard F. Davis............. Judge Orphans' Court (Chief) ......1907
William A. Brashears ......... Judge Orphans' Court............... 1907
Samuel Jackson.................Judge Orphans' Court................1907
Henry Creutzbarg..............Road Director.......................1908
James Findlay..................Road Director........................1908
Elza W Nave..................Road Director...................... 1908
G. Clinton Uhl..................Road Director.......................1908