foundation of all free Government; for this purpose elec-
tions ought to be free and frequent, and every white *
male citizen having the qualifications prescribed by the
Constitution, ought to have the right of suffrage.
Bevard v. Hoffman, 18 Md. 479- |
Separation of
the depart-
ments of gov-
ernment, |
Art. 8. That the legislative, executive and Judicial
powers of Government ought to be forever separate and
distinct from each other; and no person exercising the
functions of one of said Departments shall assume or dis-
charge the duties of any other.
State v. Chase, 5 H. & J. 304. Crane v. Meginnis, 1. G. & J.
463. Mitchell v. Mitchell,l Gill, 66. Front v. Berry, 2 Gill, 147-
Miller v. State, 8 Gill, 145- Watkins v. Watkins, 2 Md., 341.
Wright v. Wright, 2 Md., 429. Thomas v. Owens, 4 Md., 189.
Gough v. Pratt, Adm'r. 9 Md., 526. Calvert v. Williams, 10 Md.,
478. Mayor, &c., of Balto., v. State, 15 Md , 376. State v. N. C.
R. W. Co., 18 Md. 193. Miles v. Bradford, 22 Md., 181. Mayor,
&c., of Balto., v. Horn, 26 Md., 206. Green's Estate, 4 Md. Ch.
Dec. 349- Waters v. Roche, 72 Md,, 264. Van Witsen v. Gut-
man, 79 Md., 405. Mayor, etc., of Balto., v. Ulman, 79 Md., 469.
McCrea v. Roberts, 89 Md., 251. Robyv. Prince George's Co., 92
Md., 161. Beasley, vs. Ridout, 94 Md., 659. Board of Super-
visors Prince George's Co. vs. Mitchell, 97 Md., 330. |
Suspension of
laws. |
Art. 9. That no power of suspending Laws 'or the ex-
ecution of Laws, unless by, or derived from the legisla-
ture, ought to be exercised, or allowed. |
Freedom of
speech. |
Art. 10. That freedom of speech and debate, or pro-
ceedings in the Legislature, ought not to be impeached
in any Court of Judicature. |
Seat of gov-
ernment. |
Art. 11. That Annapolis be the place of meeting of
the Legislature; and the Legislature ought not to be
convened, or held at any other place but from evident
necessity. |
Meeting of
legislature. |
Art. 12. That for redress of grievances, and for
amending, strengthening, and for preserving the laws,
the Legislature ought to be frequently convened. |
Right of peti-
tion. |
Art. 13. That every man hath a right to petition the
Legislature for the redress of grievances in a peaceful
and orderly manner. |
Levying of
taxes. |
Art. 14. That no aid, charge, tax, burthen or fees
ought to be rated, or levied, under any pretence, with-
out the consent of the Legislature.
•The word "white" omitted under the 15th Amendment to the Constitu-
tion of the United States. |