A citizen's popularity at home is ever a crucial test of his
character. In Frostburg, where he resides, usually Republican
at the polls, anywhere from 500 to 800 majority, he carried
the town by 353' showing that he received between 400 and 500
Republican votes in his home town. A splendid compliment
this, and paid him by those who know him best—his neighbors.
Mr. Shannon was born about thirty-eight years ago in
Springfield, Hampshire county, W. Va. His father was the
late Justice Benjamin Shannon, who served the people of his
district in that capacity for over forty years.
Mr, Shannon has been prominent, also, in commercial circles,
and was lately elected vice-president of the Maryland Shoe
Company, of Cumberland. For several years he has been a
director of the Leatherburg Shoe Company, of Clarksburg,
one of the largest wholesale shoe houses in West Virginia.
As a nominee, representative of the county's business inter-
ests and especially a citizen typical of individual and patriotic
concern in all the county's industries and classes, he seems to
be the ideal candidate. More than any competitor, he stands
for the solidity and permanence of the people's welfare, and
more than any, he is in harmony with the State influences
which will direct and control public affairs, so far as legislation
can affect those great concerns.
Anne Arundel County—LUTHER H. GADD, Democrat—An-
Senator Gadd is a native of Caroline County, but since
1892 has resided in Annapolis. He was Clerk of the Circuit
Court for Caroline County two terms, at the expiration of
which he was appointed State Librarian by Governor Brown.
He was a member of Governor Lloyd's staff.
Baltimore City (First District)—JAMES YOUNG, Democrat—
Baltimore City.
Senator Young was born in Baltimore July 5, 1848, and
educated in private schools and Irving College. He is a pub-
lisher and editor of the Baltimore Telegram.
Baltimore City (Second District)—CLARENCE W. PERKINS,
Democrat—Baltimore City.
Clarence Warwick Perkins, State Senator from the Second
Legislative District of Baltimore City, is a lawyer, and was
born in Chestertown, Kent County, Maryland, March 18, 1871.
He is a son of Eben F. Perkins, late of Kent County. Sena-