Comptroller: DR. GORDON T. ATKINSON (Democrat), of
Crisfield, Somerset County.
Dr. Atkinson holds a high rank among the professional
and business men of Somerset County, Maryland. He is a
son of Levin Atkinson, and was born December 28, 1846, on
a farm in Somerset County, Maryland. He attended the local
schools in Pocomoke City, Md., and Dickinson College, Car-
lisle, Pa. He left the college in his junior year to matriculate
as a medical student at the University of Pennsylvania, Phil-
adelphia, Pa., where he graduated in the class of 1860. He
settled in the town of Crisfield in 1871, where he now resides.
The only office that he has ever held has been that of Com-
missioner of Crisfield and School Commissioner of Somerset
County. He was a candidate for the State Senate in 1895, but
was defeated with his party. Dr. Atkinson has always taken
an active part in the councils of the Democratic party, but has
never been an aspirant for office. He was for over two years
president of the Bank of Crisfield, but retired for business
reasons. He is now president of the Crisfield Ice Manufactur-
ing Company and a member of the well-known drug firm of
Hall, Atkinson & Co. Dr. Atkinson is a member of the Meth-
odist Protestant Church, and is connected with the official board
of this organization..
Attorney-General: WILLIAM S. BRYAN, JR. (Democrat),
of Baltimore City.
Mr. Bryan was born in Baltimore on the 23d of December,
1859, and was educated at Bethel Military Academy and Uni-
versity of Virginia. He studied law in his father's office, and
was admitted to the bar in 1882. In 1800 he was appointed one
of the counsel to the Board of Supervisors, and held that place
until appointed City Attorney by Mayor Latrobe, March 19,
1892. On the 27th of September following he was appointed
City Counsellor, and on the death of Mr. William A. Ham-
mond, on October 4, 1892; he was appointed City Solicitor
by Mayor Latrobe, which position he held until March, 1896.
He has never before held an elective office, but has always taken
an active interest in Democratic politics.
RIGGS (Democrat).
General Riggs was born in New York City on the 13th day
of September, 1866. His parents moved to Baltimore six
weeks later, and he has since resided there and in Baltimore