COUNTY SEAT—Upper Marlboro.
Court Terms—Jury, first Monday in April and October; non-jury,
third Monday in January and June.
Orphans' Court Days—Third Tuesday in each month,
Name. Office. Term Expires.
Mercer H. Magruder. ............ State's Attorney. .............. 1907
Benjamin D. Stephens............Clerk Circuit Court............1909
W. R. Smith. ................... .Register of Wills. ............ .1907
James A. Sweeney. ............. -Sheriff ...................... .1907
Edward L. Latimer. ............. Surveyor ..................... 1908
George W. Hardy. ............... .Treasurer ................... .1907
John Miller. ..................... County Commissioner. ......... 1907
R. L. Manning...................County Commissioner..........1907
Richard J. Swann................ County Commissioner.......... 1909
Horace Crozier. ................. .County Commissioner. ........ .1911
Luther Brashears. ............... .County Commissioner. ........ .1911
John C. Sheriff. ................. .Judge Orphans' Court (Chief). 1907
Richmond 1. Bowie. ............. .Judge Orphans' Court. ......... 1907
John C. Johns. .................. .Judge Orphans' Court. . . . ... . . .1907
Benedict J. Gallant (1st Dist.). ...Road Commissioner............1906
William B. Wilson (2d Dist.)....Road Commissioner............ 1906
John W. F. Hatton (3d Dist.) . . . .Road Commissioner. .......... .1906
Benedict J. Gallant (1st Dist.).... Road Commissioner-elect....... 1908
Clay D. Perkins (2d Dist.)....Road Commissioner-elect.......1908
John L. Waring (3d Dist.)....Road Commissioner-elect.......1008
Name. P. O. Address. Term Expires.
1st....John T. Burch........... Berwyn .......................1906
1st....Ezra P. Vanvalkenburg...Lakeland .....................1906
1st. . . .A. R. Boteler. .......... .Beltsville ..................... 1906
2nd. . . .Alexander Sakers ....... .Hyattsville,. .................. .1906
2nd. . . .Augustus H. Dahler. .... .Bladensburg .................. 1906
2nd....W. Brook Hunter........Bladensburg ..................1906
2nd. . . .Alfred D. Bailey. ....... .Landover. .................... ,1906
3rd. .. .James E. Sears. ......... .Upper Marlboro. ............. .1906
3rd. .. .Alfred Ridgely ......... .Upper Marlboro. .............. 1906
4th....Joseph R. Rawlings.......North Keys....................1906
4th. . . .William P. Perrie. .. ... . . .Westwood ................... .1906
5th....Joseph M. Kendrick......Accokeek .....................1906
5th.... Millard Thorn ........... Friendly ...................... 1906
6th....Edmund Tolson ..........Camp Springs.................1906
6th.... Samuel E. Cox........... Silver Hill.................... 1906
6th....John E. Tolson...........Forestville ....................1906
7th. .. .Walter Ryan ........... .Mitchellville .................. 1906
8th....Joseph S. Fowler.........Baden ........................1906
8th.... Henry Contee ........... Aquasco ...................... 1906
9th. .. .John L. Waring ......... Clinton ....................... 1906
10th. . . .Charles B. Tavenner... .. .Laurel ....................... .1906
10th. .. .George W. Alcorn ...... .Laurel ........................ 1906
10th....Harry F. Frost...........Laurel ........................1906
10th....T. M. Baldwin...........Laurel ........................1906
11th. .. .William H. Squires. ..... .Brandywine .................. .1906
12th. .. .John N. Roberts ........ .Camp Springs. ................ 1906
13th. .. .Benjamin H. Cross. ..... .Glenndale .................... .1906
13th. ...Elon Behrend ........... .Seat Pleasant. ................1906