Prof. W. L. Amoss, Director.
This department is also an adjunct of the Maryland Agricultural
College, and under its management public institutes or meetings are
held throughout the State where agricultural topics are discussed by
persons skilled in the several branches of agriculture.
Chief Inspector,
Aquila T. Robinson................Prince George's County........... 1906
Deputy Inspectors,
Frank O. Smith .....................Calvert County........................ 1906
P. Reed Wills ........................ Charles County......................1906
John A. B. Shermantine..........St. Mary's County...................1906
Chief Clerk,
R. Bernard Berry........... .........Prince George's County... .......
The Governor, with the consent of the Senate, appoints one chief
and three deputy inspectors of tobacco for two years from the first day
in March. The Chief Clerk is appointed by the Chief Inspector.
(Chapter 314.1898.)
The Chief and Deputy Inspectors of Tobacco conduct the storage
and inspection of Maryland tobacco. The operations of the inspectors
are carried on in Baltimore city.
STATE WHARFINGER— Office, Baltimore City.
State Wharfinger,
Alexander Cutino,......... .........Baltimore City.............. , .........1906
The Governor, with the consent of the Senate, appoints one or more
State Wharfingers. Term two years from the first Monday in May.
(P. G. L., Art. 98, Sec. 1.)
This officer has charge of the State wharves and the collection of
wharfage dues therefrom.
STATE WEATHER SERVICE— Office at Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, Md.
William Bullock Clark............Baltimore City.........................1906
Secretary and Treasurer,
W. T. L. Taliaferro................Prince George's County,. ........1906
Oliver L. Fassig.................... Baltimore City........ ................1906
A Director, designated by the President of Johns Hopkins University;
a Secretary and Treasurer, designated by the President of the Mary-
land Agricultural College; and a Meteorologist, designated by the
Chief of the United States Weather Bureau, shall be commissioned by
the Governor for two years from the first Monday in May. (Chapter
This Bureau collects and publishes data relating to the climatic and
weather conditions of the State.