control of the Speaker, the Journal of said Proceedings in
readiness for the same to be read at the next meeting of the
House. The Committee Clerks shall copy all manuscripts
handed them by any member of the House in such manner
as he shall direct, and return the original copy to him when
Every bill shall be introduced by motion for leave or by an
order of the House, or on the report of a committee having
the direction of the subject matter, and in either of the two
cases first mentioned, shall be referred to a committee to
report thereon, and when reported shall have its first reading,
which shall be by title only.*
Bills, memorials, resolutions and orders shall be referred by
the Speaker to their appropriate committees, and in case of
erroneous or objectionable reference, correction may be made
on the next day or the day succeeding immediately after the
reading of the Journal by unanimous consent, or on motion of
a committee claiming jurisdiction, or on the report of the com-
mittee to which the bill has been so originally referred.
Every bill shall receive three readings in the House on
three different days of the session, previous to its passage,
unless two-thirds of the members elected to the House other-
wise determine; the first of which readings shall be by the
title only, unless a majority of the House shall otherwise
All bills of a local character, and of a partial operation,
received from the Senate or originating in the House, shall
be referred to the proper local delegation, except in cases
when the delegation consists of only two members, in which
case the Speaker shall name another member, making a com-
mittee of three.
*This rule was evidently replaced by Rule XXXV, adopted January 26. 1904. but no
provision was made by the report and proceedings for striking out the old rule. (See
House Journal of 1904, pages 112 and 113.)