the Journal; and, unless it shall thus appear that a majority or
the whole number of members elected to the House have voted.
in the affirmative, the bill shall be declared rejected.
When a question has once been decided in the affirmative
or negative, a motion of reconsideration shall be in order, if
made by one member and seconded by two others who
voted in the majority on the same day or within the next
two days of actual session after the decision, which motion
shall be disposed of within three days of actual session;
provided, that such motion, if made during the last six days
of the session, shall be disposed of on the day on which
made; but should a bill, on its final passage, be declared.
rejected merely for want of a Constitutional majority, motion
for reconsideration. may be made by one member and. seconded
by two others who voted in either the affirmative or negative.
The motion, to reconsider shall not be made more than once
touching the same subject-matter. The motion to reconsider,
and the motion to lay on the table the motion to reconsider,
may be made by a member at the same time, and when the
motion to reconsider has been laid upon. the table the subject-
matter shall not be again considered during the session.
Petitions, memorials and other papers, addressed to the
House, shall be presented by the Speaker, or by a member
in his place; and the object of all petitions and memorials
shall be endorsed on the back and entered on the Journal.
The unfinished business in which the House was engaged
at the preceding adjournment shall have the preference in the
order of the day; and no motion or any other business shall
be received without the special leave of the House until the
former is disposed of.
Any fifteen members (including the Speaker, if there be
one) shall be authorized to compel the attendance of absent
members. But calls of the House shall be made, if required