Orem, William L 259
Origin of names of counties 103-104
Orphans Courts (c) 61, 201
Oursler, Azariah F 260
Oyster Police Boats 185
Oysters, General Measurers and Inspectors 186
Pairo, William Henry 262
Palmer, Ulysses G 251
Parliamentary Law, usages and practice, Senate 142
Parran, Thomas 244
Pay Roll of State 301
Pearre, James W 369
Penal Institutions 287
Peninsula General Hospital 284
Penitentiary 287
Perkins, Clarence W 248-196
Pharmacy Board 198
Police Justices, Baltimore City 206-207
Prince George's County, area, formation, origin of name 104
assessment, school tax, tax rate 396
Court terms 328
Delegates 247
officers, personnel 228
population 228
Proprietaries of Maryland 113
Provident Hospital 284
Provincial Assemblies 105 8
Provincial Convention 116
Public Accountants, Examiners of 192
Education, Superintendent 187
Institutions 277-287
School Tax, by counties 296
Schools, (< ) 71
Works, (<-) 77
Board of 180
Public Records Commission 199
Queen Anne's County, area, formation, origin of name 104
assessment, school tax, tax rate 296
Court terms. . 2.20
Delegates 247
officers, personnel 220
population 220
Senator 247