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Maryland Manual, 1904
Volume 116, Page 265   View pdf image (33K)
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Mr. Willey was born at Drawbridge, February 16, 1860,
and after going through the public schools took a business
course at Bryant & Stratton's Business College, Baltimore. He
was engaged in merchandising until 1896; since then has been
a packer of fruits and vegetables. Mr. Willey is married, and
has one son.

CARROLL COUNTY—four Members.
Jesse W. Fuss, Democrat.

Mr. Fuss is a farmer, and one of the inventors of the Rus-
sell & Fuss Brothers' patent mail transportation. He was born
near Union Bridge on August 14, 1863. He is now serving
his second term in the Legislature, having led the legislative
ticket this fall by 284.

JAMES D. HAINES, Democrat.

Mr. Haines was born December, 1850, at Union Bridge, and
after attending the public schools of the county entered West-
ern Maryland College. He is a farmer.

JOSEPH H. KAIN, Democrat.

Mr. Kain was born July 15, 1855, in West Virginia. He
was educated at Williamsport, Pa., and Baltimore. He is a
druggist, but since 1884 has been in the hotel business.


Mr. Oursler, of Patapsco, was born at Carrollton, January
15, 1857, and educated in the public schools. He is interested
in agriculture.

CECIL COUNTY— Three Members.

Mr. Fryer was born at Harrisville, December 31, 1853, and
educated at West Nottingham Academy. He is a merchant,
and has twice been elected County Treasurer.

SAMUEL J. KEYS, Democrat.

Mr. Keys is one of Elkton's most successful business men.
He is president of the Keys & Miller Lumber Company. He
was born in August, 1847, in Dorchester County. He
attended school at Vienna Academy, and after completing his
education engaged in the produce business at Vienna. In 1892


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Maryland Manual, 1904
Volume 116, Page 265   View pdf image (33K)
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