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Maryland Manual, 1904
Volume 116, Page 262   View pdf image (33K)
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BALTIMORE CITY—(Fourth Legislative District).

Six Members.

CHARLES W. BALD, Republican.

Mr. Bald was born in Baltimore, January 2, 1867, and edu-
cated in the public and private schools, later taking a course
at a business college. For thirteen years he has been very
successfully conducting a bakery and confectionery business.

JAMES E. GODWIN, Republican.

Mr. Godwin was a member of the House in 1002, and intro-
duced a bill establishing a separate court for trial of children
known as Juvenile Court bill. He was born in Norfolk, in
1874, and studied law in the office of Neely, Selden & War-
rington, of that city, and was admitted to the bar in 1896.

Mr. Godwin is a member of Oriental Lodge, No. 158, A. F.
and A. M.; Druid Chapter, No. 28, R. A. M.; Union League
and Eighteenth Ward Republican Club.

WILLIAM G. HENKLE, Republican.

Mr. Henkel, a successful plumber of Baltimore, was born
in that city in 1866, and attended the public schools of the
city until twelve years of age, when he began to learn his trade.
He is a member of several orders, and highly esteemed by
his friends. Mr. Henkel was a member of the Legislature of
DANIEL A. LOCK, Republican.

Mr. Lock is a plumber, gasfitter and worker in tin and iron.
He is a native of Baltimore, born February 7, 1866, and edu-
cated in the public schools.

ARTHUR E. MILLER, Republican.

Mr. Miller was born October 4., 1871, in Baltimore, and re-
ceived his education at the public schools of that city. He is a
produce commission merchant.


Mr. Pairo, a native of Baltimore, was born March 7, 1875,
and educated in the public schools of Baltimore, subsequently
taking a two-year course in the Law Department of the
University of Maryland, and passing the State bar exami-
nation with an exceptionally high average. He is now en-
gaged in the practice of law before the courts of this State,
the Court of Appeals and United States District. Mr. Pairo


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Maryland Manual, 1904
Volume 116, Page 262   View pdf image (33K)
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