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Maryland Manual, 1904
Volume 116, Page 256   View pdf image (33K)
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Members of the House of Delegates,



Mr. Drumm, since the age of ten years, has worked in the
mines of the Consolidated Coal Company. In 1900 he was
blacklisted on account of the strike. He then became secre-
tary-treasurer of the W. M. W. of A., District 10, and by
reason of his acquaintance among the miners was elected a
member of the House for 1002 and re-elected this year. He
was born at Vale Summit. June 28, 1869.

WILLIAM J. FEAGA, Republican.

Mr, Feaga was born in Cumberland in 1870, and received
his education at his home and in the public schools. For
several years he served as private secretary to ex-Governor
Lowndes at the Second National Bank. In 1895 he became
private secretary to Representative G. L. Wellington, and re-
tained this position when Mr. Wellington went to the United
States Senate. Later he was made secretary to Senate com-
mittee to establish University of the United States, serving-
six years in that capacity. Mr. Feaga returned to Cumber-
land in March last to take tip his present work as secretary
and director of the new Storage Warehouse and Real Estate
Company, which he helped to organize in the early part of the
present year. He has always been active in Republican
politics, was an ardent supporter of the late President
McKinley and his policies at home and abroad. He is a deep
student, and through the training received at Washington is
well fitted to make a splendid legislator.


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Maryland Manual, 1904
Volume 116, Page 256   View pdf image (33K)
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