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Maryland Manual, 1904
Volume 116, Page 253   View pdf image (33K)
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Queen Anne's County—JAMES E. KIRWAN, Democrat.

Mr. Kirwan was born in Baltimore City, June 9, 1848. His
father was Captain Lemuel Kirwan, of Dorchester County.
For two years he was Department Commander of the oyster
navy, and was one of the most active men in the service.
While still commander of a bay vessel he engaged in mer-
cantile business in Stevensville, Kent Island, and made him-
self one of the most successful business men in the county.
He is a large real estate owner on Kent Island, and is a director
in the Centreville National Bank. He is connected with Arcana
Lodge of Masons in Baltimore, and is also a member of the
Improved Order of Heptasophs and Knights of Pythias on
Kent Island. He was re-elected to the Senate in 1903.

St. Mary's County—JAMES J. GREENWELL, Democrat.

Senator Greenwell was born in 1863, and educated at
Mount St. Mary's College and Fordham, N. Y. In 1871 he
was nominated and elected Clerk of the Circuit Court, and in
1897 was renominated, but defeated. In 1899 he was nomi-
nated for the House of Delegates, but declined. In 1900 he
was appointed Chief Clerk in State Tobacco Warehouse. In
1901 he reluctantly accepted the nomination for the House,
and successfully defeated the "tall sycamore of the Patuxent,"
thereby earning the title of the "tall hickory of the Potomac."
Senator Greenwell rendered important service in the session
of 1002.

Somerset County—STEPHEN FRANK DASHIELL., Democrat.

Mr. Dashiell, one of the new members of the Senate, was
born at Dame's Quarter, Somerset County, October 20, 1862.
He is a merchant and canner, but has held the position of
postmaster and Deputy Collector of Internal revenue for the
Eastern Shore of Maryland and Virginia. Senator Dashiell
was elected November, 1903.

Talbot County—ROBERT B. DIXON., Republican.

Senator Dixon was born in Baltimore, August 22, 1834. A
few years thereafter 1113 father, James Dixon, moved to Talbot
County settling on land that has been in his wife's family—
the Bartletts—for over two hundred years. Here the subject
of this sketch was educated by a private tutor, then the pub-
lic schools, and afterwards graduated, in 1852, from West
Town Boarding School, in Chester County, Pennsylvania. He
then commenced farming on Miles river—same farm he still


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Maryland Manual, 1904
Volume 116, Page 253   View pdf image (33K)
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